“How hard it is to be Prince Charles” – time.news

by time news
from Paola De Carolis

On November 9, the fifth season of the series about Queen Elizabeth II arrives on Netflix

Charles? “I’ve thought about it for a long time. I’m not convinced I made the right choice, but in the end I’m ambitious and I took the role ». Camilla? “It’s like being kidnapped by a very elegant ride.” Dominic West and Olivia Williams, the actors who for the fifth season of
The Crown
they took over the parts of Elizabeth’s son and wife, now king and queen consort. While the real Elizabeth, who on the small screen this time has the appearance of Imelda Staunton, she has gone away throwing a country into mourning.

The new episodes, coming to Netflix on November 9th and set in the 90s, they are at the center of a thousand controversies: why do they come out so close to the death of the sovereign? Why, now that Charles is on the throne, remind everyone that he betrayed Diana and that Camilla was the lover he couldn’t give up? And why not clarify what is true and what is not? Actress Judi Dench called the show “cruel and unjust”. Former Prime Minister John Major has distanced himself from a plot that sees him welcoming a rant from Carlo on the need for his mother to abdicate.

And they, these two interpreters, what they think of the fusion of reality and fiction who brought millions behind the closed doors of Buckingham Palace? “Well, it’s not a small deal, if I’m not mistaken, betrayal still entails capital punishment,” they explain with a joke. «Seriously – adds West, known to the public for the film
Downton Abbey
The Affair
– it is a topic that the whole team has taken very seriously, we are talking about real lives, adults but also children, children: it is a huge responsibility ». «We must remember – specifies Williams, protagonist together with Bruce Willis de The sixth sense – which is not a documentary but the fruit of the imagination of Peter Morgan (author and screenwriter, ed) ». Why then the hesitation in accepting roles? «Carlo is a person I admire. This is also why it was difficult to make a decision ».

As a kid he was half in love with Princess Diana , he specifies. Today he considers himself a fan of the royal family. Williams, on the other hand, went through a Republican period as a teenager. To both of them the experience he gave a new reading of the Windsors: «I didn’t have a clear idea of ​​how much Carlo works every day, of how many lives he touches him». The outbursts of anger seen during Elizabeth’s funeral? “I wasn’t aware of those either. I must say that Morgan was good at framing his irritability, which for me makes Carlo more likeable: he is not someone who hides ».

And Camilla? “I could have thought more deeply to the way in which he faced so many difficult situations – specifies Williams -. In many ways she mirrors the behavior of an English woman’s class. On the other hand, she is loyal, reliable ». The most difficult aspect was “not to fall into caricature”. The exit immediately after Elizabeth’s death? “The Crown it gives the audience a sense of comfort and familiarity. It’s nice to see the affection with which King Charles was welcomed by the country, ”West points out. We will have to see if it will last.

October 24, 2022 (change October 24, 2022 | 09:04)

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