How has Covid-19 impacted the mental health of children?

by time news

The pandemic caused by covid-19 has had harsh consequences in all spheres of life. Children have also been one of the groups affected by impacting on their mental health and their future.

The covid-19 pandemic has not only wreaked havoc on a physical level, but also mentally, and children have been one of the biggest losers.

According to the study “Health of children, adolescents and young adults”carried out by the Merck Health Foundation, the pandemic has affected young people and children and the consequences are expected to continue to appear throughout its different stages of development.

Thus, experiencing adverse life events before the age of five is associated with negative consequences in the long term on health, education and interpersonal relationships.

And although stress symptoms may not be observable during childhood, they could appear later.

How does this situation affect the development of children?

Children who were already a population at risk because they suffered from a mental disorder, developmental disorder, adverse behaviors… will be the ones who suffer the most from the pandemic.

As the study reflects, social encounters are decisive in our development. And in early childhood, the family environment is the great provider of the affective bond and the care we need for growth.

Social isolation, as well as interventions such as the use of masks and physical distance (measures to control covid) have had Negative effects in the development of children.

According to the report, the pandemic has profoundly altered development by dismantling social contact at all ages.

What are the repercussions on school and education?

Despite the fact that schools introduced online learning, not all families had the necessary resources, which further increased the gap between advantaged students and those with special educational needs.

EFE/Angel Medina G.

Effects on physical and mental health

The closure of sports and game spaces caused a decrease in daily physical activity, an increase in the use of screens, an increase in snacking and, therefore, weight gain.

Vulnerable children due to medical pathologies saw limited access to their treatment both in the Health Services and in the Early Care Centers, which also had a negative impact on their health y development.

Impact on mental health

As stated in the report, after the pandemic the prevalence of Post Traumatic Stress Disorders (PTSD), depression y anxiety.

Generalized anxiety, major depression and adjustment disorders have increased by 90 % approximately. So have the obsessions by pollution, cleaning compulsions and avoidance behaviors.

Los behavioral problemss have worsened, and in the population with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) speech therapy interventions or therapies were reduced, aggravating the situation.

On the other hand, the Eating disorder they have also been accentuated, accompanied by late diagnoses due to the reduction of controls in Primary Care.

In this way, the negative effects on the mental health of the little ones have been evidenced. The study itself indicates that children born during the pandemic already demonstrate a decline in cognitive performance.

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