How is 1197 Cancer month for you? Complete loyalty | Monthly Star Prediction | Astrology | Astrology

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Medakur: (Aswathi, Bharani, Kartika 1/4):

Success in business, educational and professional achievements will be achieved. Costs will increase with arrival. Fertility will increase. Can catch phlegm related diseases. Long journeys may be required. Mental stress will increase. Small quarrels will arise in married life. Unhealthy elderly relatives. Peace of mind for spouse. Relief from ailments suffered by mother or equivalent. There is a possibility of unpleasantness for siblings. Responsibility at work will increase.

Perform Bhagavathy Seva at Devi temple and pray to Tushtu for the healing of evil. Those who are able should recite Devi Mahatmya daily at home.

Edavakur (Kartika 3/4, Rohini, Makairam 1/2) :

Focus on spiritual matters will increase. You will face some physical discomfort from time to time. Better profit from businesses. There will be a professional change. There will be peace in the house. A relative’s home visit will be required. Opportunity to be closer to relatives. Money will be invested in new projects. You will get a favorable decision from your superiors. Disturbances in married life will subside. House construction can be completed. Stomach related diseases may be caught. You will get benefits from the government.

Perform Maha Vishnu Bhajan for healing and enhancing good. Visit Vishnu temple on Thursdays and pray. Lighting a ghee lamp and placing Tulasimala is good.

Mithunakur (Makairam 1/2, Thiruvathira, Punartham 3/4) :

Diseases will subside. But be extra careful about health. The tension in the home environment will subside. Actions undertaken will lead to success. Spouse is likely to suffer from any kind of ailments. Educational achievements will be achieved. Success in competitive exams. Financial income can be expected from other than main occupation. Will consider buying a replacement vehicle. Those who were absent from work due to injury or illness can return to work. Allergies may occur from medicines.

On the day of birth visit the temple and perform Ganapati Homam. Perform eight-fold chanting of Lord Ganesha at home daily.

Karkatakakur (Punartam 1/ 4, Pooyam, Ayiyam) :

Dislikes to the father. Those who were in favor may go backward. Previous decisions will have to be postponed due to ill health. The decision to buy a vehicle and land will have to be postponed. Benefits for those working in the business sector. Financial difficulties will be overcome through the help of relatives. Government employees will get delayed promotion. Chances of getting a new job. Those involved in romantic relationships will get approval from their elders. Will experience the quality of children.

Consume Dharma Shasta for alleviating evil and enhancing goodness. Burn Shastavinkal Niranjan on Saturdays. Making a decoction of sesame seeds is also good.

Chingakur (Makam, Pooram, Utram 1/4)

A change of residence may occur. Officers have been transferred. There will be preference. Get involved in things that cost money. Jana Sammithi for those working in the field of public works. Health will improve. Will pass the competitive exam and interview. Spend money on beauty products. Those working in politics will face opposition. A senior member of the family is also likely to have an illness. Food comfort will increase. Debts can be paid off. Children will be prosperous. Risk of eye disease.

Perform Sri Krishna Bhajan for healing and enhancing good. Offer butter and aval to Sri Krishnaswami on Wednesdays.

Kannikur (Utram 3/4, Atham, Chithira 1/2) :

Job seekers will get a new job. Debt reduction and repossession of mortgages are possible. Money will have to be spent on siblings. Succeeds in lawsuits. Disputes with colleagues will be resolved. Manipulation in behavior will earn resentment. Quality of relatives will increase. Public servants will have Jana Samithi. Career benefits for relatives. You will have to seek help from others to solve the problem. Auspicious rituals will be done in the family.

Perform Shiva bhajan for auspiciousness and cure. Recite Shivashtottar daily. Pour sesame oil in the Shivankal lamp and pray and perform the power of Annadanam.

Tulakur (Chithira 1/2, Choti, Visakham 3/4)

Unexpected journeys will be required. Mental happiness will increase. The home will require minor repairs. Business expenses will increase. The couple will travel together. You will have to take leave from work. Health problems will subside. Distance from relatives will end. Sickness for children, minor problems with friends will arise and subside. Access to new courses for students. Achievements in the field of public activity. Expect financial gain from land. Candidates can get favorable orders.

Perform Vishnu Bhajan for healing. Perform Vishnu Bhajan at home daily. Food should also be given to the righteous.

Vrischikakur (Visakham 1/4, Anizham, Thriketta) :

It is a time of decline in physical well-being. Home repairs will be required. There will be opportunities to enter new jobs. Work-related travel will also be required. Wishes will be fulfilled. Relief from disease. Will get help from relatives. Water borne diseases may be contracted and occupational changes may be expected. There will be a gathering of relatives. Medicines will be required for stomach related problems and close relatives may suffer from illness. There will be less attention on food. Small fines will have to be paid to the government. Success to litigants.

Perform Sri Krishna Bhajan for Dosha Shaman. Visit Sri Krishna Swamy on Wednesdays and pray. Light a ghee lamp and chant daily at home.

Dhanukur ( Due, Puradam, Uttadam1/4 ) :

Benefits for life partner. You will face health problems. There will be no expected changes and gains in the profession. Mental tension will increase. Relatives will benefit. There will be more travel. Marital life will be healthy. Money will be spent on good deeds. The marriage will be confirmed and the problems in the husband and wife relationship will be resolved. Decision in property dispute. Will return home from abroad. Financial difficulties will be faced. The vehicle will need repairs. Fame will increase in the public sphere. Friendly help will increase. Progress in house construction. Aushadha Seva can be terminated.

Shiva bhajan for auspiciousness and cure. Perform Shivankal Bhasmabhishekam on the day of birth. And perform archana with red flowers in Devi temple.

Makarakur (Uttaram 3/4, Thiruvonam, Avitam 1/2) :

You can get jobs in private sector organizations. Decisions will be made on marriage proposals coming through relatives. Mentally existing desires can be achieved. Renovation work will be done in the house. Family life will improve. Be careful not to get involved in many controversial matters. Vata and Kapha-related diseases may be contracted. Avoid long journeys. Be careful with money transactions too. There will be an experience of heritage property. Small quarrels will arise in married life. Unhealthy elderly relatives. Higher success in education will also be achieved professionally.

Perform shasta bhajan for enhancement of goodness and removal of evil. Perform darshan of Shastavinkal and perform Ellu Payasa Nivedya and Pushpanjali.

Kumbhakur (Avittam 1/2, Chatayam, Pururuttathi 3/4) :

House construction can be completed. Stomach related diseases may be caught. Be extra careful as you may suffer from foodborne illnesses. Relatives will have to be separated. It will be related to the marriage of friends. Gains in lawsuits. Work hard and you will succeed. There will be good fortune. Official trips to get rid of drugs will be required. Advances in home construction. Those who are troubled without children will be relieved. Long journeys will be required.

Perform Subrahmanya Bhajan for enhancement of good and removal of evil. Fasting on Tuesdays. Visit Subrahmanya Temple.

Meenakure (Pooruttati 1/4, Uttratati, Revathi) :

Good profit for self-employed people. Quality of relatives will increase. Mentally existing desires can be achieved. Unexpected expenses will increase. Possibility of change of residence for renters. Obstacles in the field of work will be changed. Those who are sick will get relief. Time is favorable for candidates. Temporary job will be fixed. Foreign travel will be successful. It takes hard work to succeed in the activities undertaken. Financial income can be expected from other than main occupation. Be careful as you may face opposition from relatives regarding marriage.

Perform Ganesha Bhajan for healing. Devoted to Lord Ganesha at home. Perform Ganapati Homam on the day.

The author

V. Sajeev Shastaram

Perunna, Changanassery

Ph: 9656377700

English Summary : Monthly Prediction in Karkidakam 1197

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