How is oral cancer spread? This is the virus you should take care of

by time news

2023-12-06 01:16:43

When faced with a toothache, the possibility that it is oral cancer rarely comes to mind. However, the possibility exists, so it is important to know what your symptoms and treatment. And of course, Know how oral cancer is spread?

What is oral cancer?

Oral cancer is made up of mouth cancer and tongue cancer. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial ResearchIn this type of condition, cancer cells usually develop on the tongue and in the tissue that lines the mouth and gums.

Between breast cancer and prostate cancer, oral cancer is close to occupying the third most common type. In the United States alone, 53,000 new cases are diagnosed each year.

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Is it possible for oral cancer to be spread?

Although the scoop of this article is to know, how is oral cancer spread? The truth is that cancer is not contagious. This question is because one of the possible causes of a person developing this disease is the presence of the Human Papillomavirus.

This infection is transmitted through sexual contact, which is why it is believed that this type of cancer is contagious. On the other hand, the strain associated with this The condition is HPV type 16.

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What should you know about oral cancer?

Oral cancer is a public health problem that affects a considerable number of people in Mexico, being more common in men over 40 years old. One of the main causes of this disease is tobacco consumption, responsible for 40% of cases.

Causes of oral cancer

He smoking It is one of the main risk factors for developing oral cancer. Tobacco smoke and its chemicals can damage cells in the mouth, which over time can lead to the formation of cancer cells.

In addition to tobacco, excessive alcohol consumption and prolonged exposure to the sun without lip protection also increase the chances of developing this disease.

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Symptoms of oral cancer

Oral cancer is characterized by several symptoms, including:

Sores on the lips or oral cavity that do not heal. Bleeding gums that persist. Thickening of the cheek. Numbness in the mouth. Chronic pain. Swelling in the jaw. Difficulty chewing and swallowing.

Oral cancer treatments

Oral cancer treatment can vary depending on the stage at which the disease is detected and its severity. Some of the treatment options include:

Surgery: To remove the tumor and surrounding affected areas.Radiotherapy: It uses radiation to destroy cancer cells.Chemotherapy: Uses medications to fight cancer cells.Targeted therapy: Targets specific cancer cells without harming normal cells.Immunotherapy: Stimulates the body’s immune system to fight cancer.

Prevention and early detection are essential in the fight against oral cancer. Having regular oral exams and paying attention to symptoms are crucial steps to ensure proper treatment. Furthermore, it is recommended visit the dentist at least twice a year for continuous monitoring of oral health.

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