How is the provincial government elected?

by time news

2023-05-19 13:16:00

On May 28, at 9:00 AM, the positions of Governor and Vice Governor of the provinces will be elected, find out how this process develops.

The Constitution of the Republic approved in 2019 defines a new government structure in Cuba: the provincial governments of popular power. The Governor is the highest representative of the State in his territory and, in turn, the highest executive-administrative manager in his province.

Article 170 of the Magna Carta of 2019, explains that the Provincial Governor is appointed, at the proposal of the President of the Republic, by the National Assembly of Popular Power, or where appropriate by the Council of State, for a term of five years. . But is the designation alone worth it? The Master in Constitutional Law Yuliesky Amador Echevarría explains how this process works from the provinces.

Governor and Lieutenant Governor, what do these roles mean?

– The Constitution of the Republic makes it clear in articles 174 and 181, respectively: the Governor is the highest executive-administrative person in his province and in the case of the Lieutenant Governor, it establishes that he fulfills the powers delegated or assigned by the Governor. Likewise, he replaces the Governor in case of absence, illness or death, in accordance with the procedure provided by law.

Law No. 127, Electoral Law, establishes from its Article 1 and as part of its objectives, the election of provincial governors and deputy governors, and develops the details of the process in the body of the Law. Law No. 138 of Organization and Functioning of the Provincial Government of People’s Power.

How is the choice made?

– The Electoral Law establishes that the delegates to the municipal assemblies of Popular Power meet, by their own right, constituted in electoral colleges, according to the date, time and place fixed, and that by means of a free, equal, direct and secret vote, they elect the provincial governor and vice-governor.

For the validity of this act of election, the presence of more than half of the delegates that make up each Municipal Assembly of People’s Power is required; If this figure is not reached, the Municipal Electoral Council sets a new date within the following seven days.

The regulations themselves indicate that it is the responsibility of the President of the Republic to propose to the delegates to the Municipal Assemblies of People’s Power of each province, the candidates for the election of the provincial governor and deputy governor. This proposal for each position is sent by the President of the Republic, prior to the election, to the president of the National Electoral Council, accompanied by the biographies and photos of the candidates.

For its part, the National Electoral Council is in charge of reproducing and sending each of the delegates the corresponding biographies and photos no less than seventy-two hours prior to the date of the vote, as well as guiding and organizing the acts of voting in each municipality and the realization of the computation of the votes in each province.

What happens if one or both candidates are not elected?

– In the event that one or both candidates are not elected, the National Electoral Council informs the President of the Republic for the purpose of presenting another proposal. For the new election, the same procedure as the one described above is applied, which is carried out within ten days following the first election.

¿CfromI don’t know the town the results?– The provincial electoral councils are in charge of carrying out the final count of the suffrage of the delegates of each one of their municipalities, of validating and declaring elected or not the provincial governor and deputy governor who reach more than half of the valid votes cast. by the delegates to the municipal assemblies of the Popular Power of the province in question.

Then, the results are reported to the National Electoral Council and its municipal electoral councils, so that it is known to the delegates and they file the documentation.

Likewise, the Electoral Law regulates that the president of the National Electoral Council informs the president of the Republic and the president of the National Assembly of People’s Power the results of the election of the provincial governors and deputy governors, after which he reports these results to the population.

The elected provincial governors and deputy governors take office before the representative of the Council of State designated for that purpose, on the date set by the latter, within twenty-one days of their election. It must be remembered that once the inauguration of the governor and lieutenant governor has been carried out in each province, the Provincial Council of People’s Power is constituted, chaired by the Governor and made up of the Lieutenant Governor, the presidents and vice-presidents of the corresponding local assemblies of People’s Power and the municipal mayors.

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