How it affects a relationship when you suspect infidelity

by time news

There is no specific description to define how it affects a relationship when you suspect infidelity. They say out there that the women they have a Sixth Sense for detect when something is wrong in the relationship. What happens if, despite discovering that action, you decide to continue with the coupleIs there a solution or not?

Recently Andrea Legarreta y Erik Rubín they pointed out that after 22 years of marriageare love story has come to an end. There have been many speculations about it, as it was believed to be one of the couples most stable of show business.

However, they have come to light alleged infidelities of the singer to the driver and it is believed that that has to do with this decision that has undoubtedly shocked more than one.

In the case of singerwas reported to have had a love affair with a woman, during a trip to Cancun. In this regard, he noted: “I don’t have to explain anything because she knows me. They made a fuss, they offended my daughters, they offend Andrea, they offend me.”

The other episode arose after kiss Celery (member of Kabah), indicating an alleged homosexuality. “I really don’t give a peanut, it’s reality. I don’t need to prove anything. I know who I am and that’s enough.”

Andrea has also been accused of having committed infidelity with a high command of his workplace. The reality is that now they have separated and have not given details of the reason for their separation.

What to do if you suspect that your partner is unfaithful

How it affects a relationship when you suspect infidelity. Photo: iStock

according to Act of Psychological Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)las infidelities occur when there feelings of frustration or discomfort. In the case of womenthey are usually infidels why they do not have good communication with partner; but in the case of menit happens because They seek to get out of the routine.

However, upon learning of the partner infidelity, there are few who “accept” or “forgive” it. usually many relations they end because they cannot forgive an infidelity. He feeling of betrayal End it all and there’s no going back.

And you suspect that your partner is unfaithfulThe first thing you should do is try to communicate with him/her clearly and honestly. It is important that you avoid accusations without concrete evidence, as this can lead to more problems in the relationship.

talk to your partner

look for evidence

seek support

make up your mind

When there is infidelity in a marriage

How it affects a relationship when you suspect infidelity. Photo: iStock

There are several factors that can trigger an infidelity:


evade reality

couple problems



The infidelity in a marriage It can be defined in various ways, since each couple can have their own agreements and expectations regarding the fidelity. Generally speaking, the infidelity It refers to the violation of implicit or explicit agreements of sexual and emotional exclusivity in a relationship monogamous.

In most cases, the infidelity is associated with having sexual or romantic relations with someone who is not the stable partner. But it can also include behaviors that are considered inappropriate or unfair, such as flirtsend sexual messages, online datingmaintaining a close friendship with someone with whom you feel an emotional connection, among others.

It is important to mention that each couple may have different expectations about what constitutes a infidelity. Some couples may be more tolerant of behaviors such as flirtation or chance encounters, while others may consider it a violation of emotional exclusivity.

The most important thing is that there is a open and honest communication about the expectations and limits of the relationshipand that both members strive to respect and maintain mutual trust.

In case of Discovering an infidelity on the part of your partnerthere are two options: 1) forgive your partner and seek help or 2) go your separate ways.

Why is there infidelity in couples?

Communication problems: If a couple does not communicate effectively or does not feel heard or appreciated, there may be temptations to seek an emotional or physical connection with someone else.

sexual dissatisfaction: If a partner is not sexually satisfied, there may be temptations to seek a physical connection with someone else.

Desire for excitement or novelty: For some people, the excitement and novelty can be addictive. Some people may seek an exciting adventure or physical connection to feel alive or to escape the monotony of their daily lives.

Low self-esteem: If someone has low self-esteem or trust issues, they may seek validation in an affair or in the attention of another person.

Underlying relationship issues: If there are underlying relationship issues, such as a lack of trust, insecurity, or a lack of commitment, someone may be more likely to seek a connection with someone else.

External factors: Pressure at work, the influence of friends or family, or temptations online can be external factors that can contribute to infidelity.

you shall go to therapy with your partner, calmly carry the process of forgiving and accepting the failure in the relationship; In addition to being clear that not every relationship works after a infidelity. You can try, yes, but that is not the guaranteed pass that things ‘will go back to the way they were’.

if in spite of everything you want save your relationship, you can continue as long as it is mutually agreed. The second opportunity should serve to improve and correct “mistakes” in the relationship.

Although some point out that who is unfaithful once, it will be again; in reality there are many other factors that influence making that decision. It influences education, values, beliefs and personality. If who committed the infidelity does not have respect and commitment to his couplesurely he will be unfaithful again.

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There is actually no specific way in which a relationship is affected when there are suspicions of infidelity. In the case of Erik and Andreado you believe that this has influenced your decision?

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