How Javier Milei overcame Sergio Massa’s fear campaign

by time news

2023-11-27 17:50:57

Graciela Peyru considers that trying to instill fear in angry people could have increased the anger even more instead of persuading them not to vote for Javier Milei. “You realize that this is manipulation, that may make increase anger and anger, due to the feeling of being manipulatedof being humiliated, of being taken for an idiot,” he analyzed in Modo Fontevecchiaby Net TV, Radio Profile (AM 1190) y Radio Amadeus (FM 91.1).

Graciela Peyrú is a psychiatrist graduated from the University of Buenos Aires and president of the Foundation for Mental Health. Through her foundation, she created the first comprehensive and free psychological counseling telephone line in Argentina. In addition, she was director of the magazine “Psicologías de Buenos Aires” and wrote more than six books.

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I would like to take advantage of the time with you to explain to us in an educational way what happens when people make decisions that are self-destructive. I don’t know if “acting out” and “acting out” are valid here, or if it could be characterized that any of these categories can explain in some way what happened to Argentine society in the 55% vote for Milei.

I think it would be useful for those who advise politicians and conduct polls on elections to know a little more about how complex are human emotions and how interwoven they are with each otherhow they are not loose one by one, but forming a dense network that gives meaning and significance to our actions.

So, I wanted to tell you what it is the emotion that most neutralizes fear. Because there was a fear campaign, right?


Well, the emotion that most neutralizes fear is anger and anger. If you are very angry, you do not feel the risks that could occur if you take a behavior so that in moments of great anger, great emotion, not just great fear, the decisions are called passage to the event, because one does not evaluate them completely as one usually does.

Almost reflexively, if I’m going to sit down I notice that the chair is behind me, right? Without giving importance to that, but it is a decision to sit down. If I don’t check to see if the chair is back, I want to sit down and I fall, it’s because I went to the act. Get to the act, that is, the entire apparatus that has to intervene to make a decision did not intervene. Sometimes fast, sometimes slow, it doesn’t matter how fast, what matters is what emotions surround the decision.

Then I saw, like all Argentines, a fear campaign about voting for Milei that was well carried out, technically, I am not evaluating it ethically, I am saying psychologically well carried out. But what happens is that people were angryand when you are angry and you have a lot of anger, fear does not warn you anything. When someone hits you, pushes you, you punch them before imagining that the police could come because of the punch, and I’m being gentle, because sometimes people, in those cases, fire a revolver without thinking about everything. What’s going to happen to him? It is not a thought-out decision, it is a passage to act. Understood?

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Do you say that the campaign of fear was harmless or that, on the contrary, it encouraged the vote for Milei more, because the campaign of fear led to more anger?

You may be very right. If you are angry and they try to instill fear in you, and you realize that this is manipulation, that may make you increase anger and anger, due to the feeling of being manipulated, of being humiliated, of being taken for an idiot, as they say in Argentina. Did you take me for a fool? Do you think I’m going to swallow all this they tell me? So the anger increases and there is even less fear of the ideas that are being put forward to make us afraid.

Is there any possibility left that some part of society acts in one way, actually seeking another goal?

He acting out It occurs in moments of intense emotion or intense impulsiveness, in moments in which the ego cannot evaluate each of the consequences, nor does it even take them into account.

This occurs in some personalities that are prone to acting out, we usually talk about borderline and sometimes psychotics, that when they have a conflict, when you have a conflict, what you can do is change yourself, change reality and there are three appropriate reactions, three adaptations. If I don’t like something, I try to change it, and if I don’t, I leave.

Hay three ways that are possible, and many people who have been saved, for example, from Nazism, it was because they left on time, with many difficulties and all that, but there are three ways. Another fought against fascism and another became a fascist. There are three ways, not equalof reacting from humans.

In some situations, for some personalities or in very desperate situations, the person does none of the three things. He makes a desperate, or rather very impulsive, attempt to change reality. Beyond what seems convenient or not, the acting out and the passage to the act are, as I told you, without thinking about the consequences. It is simply like an impulse carried into action, and that denotes a certain weakness in controls, a certain weakness of reflection, a certain impossibility or a certain lack of knowledge.

It can also denote ignorance, but in general it indicates a lack of control and an excess of expectations about the effectiveness of the act.

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Could you explain the difference between acting out and passage to the act?

The passage into the act is part of acting out. When you have a impulse, we are having them every day, whether it is eating a chocolate cake or voting for a certain candidate. They are impulses, you can put them through a filter, a very sophisticated set of controls that the human cognitive apparatus has. Until they make the great and unimaginable supercomputer that surpasses us, for the moment, we have the most complex, richest and most important knowledge apparatus of the universe that we know, of the universe for which we have data.

That cognitive apparatus, when you have a weak structure, little information, little knowledge, a lot of emotion or a lot of weakness in control, does what is called passage to the act or acting out. Instead of doing an action that is something decided, thought, planned, evaluated, quickly or slowly, all these processes are activated and they are what have given us, unfortunately, the triumph over other species, to the point that we can destroy the planet. If you want an acting out greater than what we are doing with the climate, I don’t think you can find it. So it is not uncommon for us to act.

For us to act in a foolish, impulsive, blind, contradictory or destructive way, it is necessary that let’s cancel part of our ability to think, to know, to distinguish, to differentiate. These are our main elements of knowledge and our actions must be based on them.

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I throw the cup on the floor, but what I already know from previous experience is that it may break. I’m very angry, I’m going to throw it on the floor anyway and break it. It’s not exactly that I decided to break it, I went from the impulse of anger to throwing the cup, I went from the impulse of anger to firing a shot at another, to hitting him in the head with a stick. At some point later, I may realize that the consequences of what I do are very serious.

I can also do it in funniest cases. I can have an affair even though I am married or in a relationship and promised fidelity, and I believe that nothing will happen to me. That also happens in acting out. I have it, it turns out that the lady told me that she was not fertile and she was, then I have a son and my marital situation becomes very complicated. In all these cases, all these situations usually come to us psychiatrists to answer our question, “how could it be that I did such a thing?” Well, at that moment you couldn’t think clearly.

Do you find any parallels between individual actions and group actions? Can the same categories be transferred to certain decisions that the majority of people can make when they go to vote?

It goes through a filter that is used to think about the masses, which is called mass psychology. In general, in mass psychologies, and much more so in elections, some of the candidates manage to settle into the ideal of each person. It is called the ego ideal, your ideal self, depending on the case. And if you have someone installed in your ideal of yourself, you are going to vote for him and for you. For him, because it is an ideal of yours, but for you, because you have that ideal and you share it for a moment when you vote.


#Javier #Milei #overcame #Sergio #Massas #fear #campaign

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