How long can you take Creatine safely?

by time news

2024-02-19 12:40:24

  • A question that is asked from the beginner to the most advanced, since on the internet and various sources we can find contradictory informationthat is why we refer to the latest research to clarify this matter once and for all.
  • Studies have consistently shown that creatine supplementation increases intramuscular creatine concentrationswhich may help explain the observed improvements in high-intensity exercise performance leading to greater adaptation to training.
  • These studies show that Short- and long-term supplementation (up to 30 g/day for 5 years) is safe and well tolerated in healthy individuals and diverse populations.
  • So much sportsmen or athletesas well as old peopleor even those people who are injuredyou can make use of creatine.

Additionally, regular dietary creatine intake (e.g. 3 g/day) throughout life can provide significant health benefits.

Can taking it for months or years affect my health?

Research has shown that it is safe to consume creatine daily, even for several years. There is no evidence to support any significantly harmful side effects in people who consume high doses of creatine (30 grams/day), even for 5 years.

Although some people make false claims about the side effects and safety of creatine, none of them are backed by research.

Should I take breaks frequently?

There’s no need. But it can be qualified. If we are athletes or athletes who maintain a regular training scheme, we can maintain regular consumption without any problem.

If, on the other hand, a certain time without physical exercise due to factors such as holidays, off-season… in that case, You could take a break if you wish..

If the reason why physical exercise is stopped is because of a injuryIn this case, it is recommended to maintain creatine consumption since recent studies observe that it can help accelerate the recovery phase of the injury and, most importantly, mitigate the loss of muscle mass during the convalescent period.

What happens if I stop taking creatine cold turkey?

The most common thing will be to experience a decreased strength, endurance and/or explosiveness, that is, athletic performance. The fatigue or time to exhaustion may also occur more quickly that if we continued taking creatine.

We must think that our body produces around 1-2 grams of creatine daily, so if we suppress the extra 3 grams (sufficient recommended daily dose) we will experience the effects we describe.

It is also possible that if you are undergoing a definition phase, and that in most cases, the carbohydrate intake is reduced so the muscular appearance may be compromised.

Creatine produces intramuscular water retention, giving a firmer appearance.

Just as creatine is directly related to protein synthesisremoving it from the equation can slow down this process. Another aspect that can also be experienced is a slight depressionand this is explained as there are creatine deposits in the brain tissue – let’s not forget that creatine exerts effect on cognitive level -.

However, “cutting” creatine consumption for a few days will not immediately produce these situations. Now, if you are going to eliminate creatine from your diet for weeks/months, be prepared for it, especially when you are an athletic person.

Should I also take creatine during rest days?

Yes, it is recommended to keep the regular creatine consumptionboth in training and rest days. The function of creatine when ingested is to saturate muscle cells. This does not occur immediately, but is a gradual process.

On the other hand, it is said that creatine does not act at the blood plasma level, which is why:

“If you take creatine before your workout thinking that you will enjoy its effects, you are not right.”

For this reason, creatine is known as a “loading” supplement because continued use is required.

When do the effects of creatine begin to be noticed?

As with training, whose results are not immediately noticeable, The use of creatine also requires a period to notice its effects, to increase cellular availability.

When ingesting creatine what really happens is that the stores of creatine are refilled. phosphocreatinea form of cellular energy, and which contributes to the production of a highly energy-available molecule known as ATP (adenosin trifosfato).

The greater the ATP, the greater the ability to perform muscular activity.

Short-term creatine consumption (for example, following the “loading phase” strategy: 20 g/day for 5-7 days) usually increases total creatine content by 10-30% and phosphocreatine stores by 10-40%.

It is estimated that around 4 weeks is when cellular saturation can be reached and begin to experience the benefits of creatine, starting with a dose of 3 grams daily.

As we have indicated, it is sometimes common for athletes to use the strategy known as “charge phase” so that the previous process occurs more quickly.

As research reveals, it is not necessary to go through this process, and it is recommended for most people who start taking creatine to do so directly with the 3 gram dose.


  • Creatine is widely used by elite and amateur athletes as an ergogenic aid. to improve anaerobic exercise performance.
  • Likewise, it is related to accelerate post-injury rehabilitation processes and reduce muscle mass loss during this process.
  • Las old people They also use creatine to prevent sarcopenia and, therefore, it may have therapeutic benefits for muscle wasting diseases.
  • Its use is completely safeeven manifesting doses much higher than those recommended, and used for years, without producing unwanted effects.
  • The well-known “charging phase” is not necessaryand you can choose to take the maintenance dose directly.

Our recommendation is to maintain a daily use of 3 grams of creatine to benefit from this powerful substance.

Recommended bibliography

  • Richard B. Kreider, Douglas S. Kalman, Jose Antonio, Tim N. Ziegenfuss, Robert Wildman, Rick Collins, Darren G. Candow, Susan M. Kleiner, Anthony L. Almada, and Hector L. Lopez. International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: safety and efficacy of creatine supplementation in exercise, sport, and medicine. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2017; 14: 18. doi: 10.1186/s12970-017-0173-z.
  • Eric S Rawson, Mary P Miles, D Enette Larson-Meyer. Dietary Supplements for Health, Adaptation, and Recovery in Athletes. DOI: 10.1123/ijsnem.2017-0340.
  • Richard B Kreider. Effects of creatine supplementation on performance and training adaptations. PMID: 12701815.
  • E Hultman, K Söderlund, J A Timmons, G Cederblad, P L Greenhaff. Muscle creatine loading in men. DOI: 10.1152/jappl.1996.81.1.232.

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