How long do solar panels last? · Health home

by time news

2024-09-10 06:54:14

Over the past few years, solar panels have become a very efficient system for supplying energy in many homes and a more environmentally friendly option. Now, what is the useful life of a solar panel? What do you do when it stops working or starts to fail? At the Health Center we have the answers.

Many providers of solar panels they agreed that Its useful life is around 25 or 30 years. But be careful! Not because they will stop working after that time, but because they tend to lose productivity, around 0.5% per year. That is to say, The board will continue to work, but its work will be reduced so it will produce a smaller amount of energy.

Although in general everything is going to depending on the use that has been made of the panel and whether proper maintenance has been done over time.

Batteries deserve a special mention, one of the most important pieces in a photovoltaic solar installation, because they allow energy to be collected and used when necessary. For example, at night or in fog or rain. In addition, they are part of the most expensive elements of the installation, so more attention must be paid to them. In general, The useful life of solar batteries is 15 yearsespecially stationary batteries, although it all depends on the type of batteries used.

Grass a series of triggers that directly affects energy of these devices, such as air to which they are exposed, the mounting system and the type module that have been used.

For example, the Rapid temperature changes can also be debilitating solar panels because of the materials they are made of, such as solar cells and metals, which can contract and expand. Solar panels can also suffer water damage, in the event of damage to the gasket that protects the panels.

When should you replace solar panels?

  • If your performance is reducedbecause the panels are more than twenty years old. You can check their performance through an application that reports on the amount of energy they are producing at any time, or through the company’s certificate and comparing it with previous years or months.
  • If they always fail, or request corrections from time to time.
  • If visible damage is observedsuch as cracks or damaged areas, which can negatively affect the panel’s ability to capture sunlight.
  • If your technology is outdated: Continued advances in this technology make older panels comparatively less efficient than newer ones.

Tips to extend the useful life of solar panels:

  • Trust a quality solar installerperforming routine maintenance checks. The way solar panels are installed can affect their performance, efficiency and power. Factors such as the orientation of the panel, the angle of inclination and the material affect the resistance of the panels to different environmental conditions.
  • Keep the panels clean. They can be washed with water and a little soap if they are dirty, because dust or sand can cause micro-fractures and cracks on the solar panel if left there for a long time. Likewise, any debris such as fallen tree branches or accumulated snow can cause serious damage to the panel, so remove it as soon as possible.

When talking about solar panels, you must consider that they are “electrical and electronic equipment”, according to the current law. As they are a large waste that has many uses, It cannot be placed in a box as if it were just waste. You must contact a specialized company or panel manufacturers.

We trust that this information can help you keep your solar panels in the best condition, or decide to install an energy-generating system in your home.

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