How long does it take for HPV to turn into cancer?

by time news

If you are interested in knowing how long does it take for hpv to turn into cancer, keep reading. Unfortunately, this is one of the main sexually transmitted diseases and on more occasions than you imagine, you could have this disease. CLICK THE MAIN IMAGE to learn more about HPV.

It is important not to take lightly the infectionbecause although most of the strains are “good”, if you were to contract any of the malignant strainscould develop a most serious health problem.

Although they usually appear warts on the skinin some cases it is more dangerous and if not treated in time it can cause cancer in the uterusin the anus or in other areas of the body, mention the National Library of Medicine. The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes that this disease only It is spread by direct skin-to-skin contact and body fluids.

How long does it take for HPV to turn into cancer? Photo: iStock

How fast does HPV disease progress?

The American Society of Clinical Oncology mention that there are more than 150 virus strains. Most strains do not cause health problems and you may never know you have the HPV. However, there are strains that do need to be taken care of, because if they are not treated they tend to become cancer.

As said, they usually appear warts anywhere on the body (vulva, vagina, penis, anus, neck, face, head, hands and feet) and are contagious; although they do not cause cancer. 40 strainsapproximately, are the ones that spread by skin-to-skin contact.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)most people infected with HPV do not know it. The body is responsible for naturally eliminating the virus in a period of 2 years. If you know that by age 50, at least 4 out of 5 women will have had HPV.

CLICK THE MAIN IMAGE to learn more about HPV.

How long does a person with HPV last without treatment?

when the immune system is in optimal condition, that is, healthy; the virus controls itself. When the body has these characteristics, the infection can disappear after 8 months.

In most cases it usually lasts 2 years without treatment. Although there are factors such as stress or one unbalanced dietwho interfere in this matter, mentions the Manual MSD.

The American Society of Clinical Oncology indicates that you should take a sample of cells from the cervix to be analyzed and know if there is any abnormality in cells or tissue. If there is something unusual, the doctor will notify you. It must be borne in mind that some strains are of low risk and others not.

low-risk HPV. In rare cases, the appearance of warts can cause cancer. The strains that are part of this risk are 6 and 11.

high-risk HPV. When the infection is permanent, it can turn normal cells into precancerous lesions or cancer. Strain 16 or 18 are related to this risk.

CLICK THE MAIN IMAGE to learn more about HPV.

How long does it take for HPV to turn into cancer? Photo: iStock

How do you know when HPV turns into cancer?

The CDC indicates that although the body seeks to protect itself and eliminate it, if the infection cannot be fought, it lasts and transforms until it ends in cancer. approximately 10% of women will have long-term infections that put them at risk of cervical cancer.

In the case of high-risk HPVif there are changes in the cells, it can refer cancer. The important thing is to detect the problem in time, otherwise there could be health complications.

He National Cancer Institute notes that HPV can cause the following types of cancer:

– Of cervix. About 70% of cervical cancers are associated with this virus. The associated strains are 16 and 18. Smoking increases the risk of this type of cancer.

oropharynx. It arises in the throat (mouth, tongue, tonsils and back of the tongue). The number of cases increases year by year.

Anus, penis, vagina and vulva. HPV causes about 90% of anal cancers and is almost twice as common in women. HPV causes 60% of penile cancers, 75% of vaginal cancers, and 70% of vulvar cancers.

CLICK THE MAIN IMAGE to learn more about HPV.

HPV cannot be overlooked, especially when there are several ways to prevent its spread. Go to your doctor and ask for advice on all care measures and enjoy your sexuality responsibly.

You may also like: How to identify human papillomavirus in the mouth

Gallery references:

American Society of Clinical Oncology

National Cancer Institute

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