How long does it take to lose my progress if I stop going to the gym? 4 tips to strengthen your muscles

by time news

2024-01-05 00:33:45

If you have already started to notice results in your silhouette when train at the gym, not going for a day is probably the worst thing that happens to you, because your body gets used to the benefits. For one day nothing happens! The problem arises when it involves a considerable period, since you could affect your performance. How long can you lose your progress if you stop going to the gym?

During the holiday season We focus more on having all the preparations ready to spend the Christmas holidays with the family, that we can forget about go to the gym regularly. However, even if we have trained all year, stopping exercise for entire weeks could affect our progress in the gym.

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How long does it take to lose your progress in the gym?

Although each body works differently and loss of endurance, strength or muscle mass is not the same for everyone, the speed with which you lose your progress in the gym It can vary depending on a few factors, such as your current fitness level, the length of your detraining, and even your genetics.

According to an article published by the magazine PLOS ONE, suggests that you could lose your progress in the gym two weeks after detraining. However, it is also mentioned that resuming your work out may improve after two weeks of retraining. Just as you read it!

If you return to training after that period, you may be able to regain some of your previous performance in a similar time. Although no specific information is provided on how long it would take to fully recover lost performance, this can vary from both the consistency in traininglike genetics.

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What happens if I stop going to the gym for more than two weeks?

If for some reason you stop going to the gym for more than two weeks, you may begin to notice small changes in your body, for example, your level of strength, endurance, and muscle mass, which you will be able to notice immediately because your clothes will no longer fit tight. Among the following changes:

Loss of strength: it is one of the most notable effects of stop training, which will begin to be noticed approximately 2 to 3 weeks after not training. You will notice that your ability to lift weights or perform intense exercises decreases, which means that you may need time to regain your previous level of strength. Muscle strength: This is because the muscles begin to maladapt to disuse, and the muscle fibers may begin to to decrease in size and efficiency.Loss of cardiovascular endurance: your cardiovascular capacity and endurance can decrease faster than muscle strength, you will begin to notice it after two weeks of inactivity.Loss of muscle mass: Lack of muscle stimulation through exercise can cause your muscles to shrink, especially if you are not consuming enough protein and calories to maintain your muscle mass during your absence from the gym. Stiffness and loss of flexibility: lack of regular movement and stretching can lead to muscle stiffness and decreased flexibility. Changes in mood and energy: regular exercise It releases endorphins, which are known as the “happiness hormones.” Stop to do exercise can have an impact on your mood and energy, which could lead you to feel less motivated or more tired. Weight gain: If you don’t adjust your caloric intake to compensate for the decrease in physical activity, You may gain weight due to a positive energy balance.

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For maintain your progress in the gymit is important to be consistent in your training, rest well and eat properly so that all your effort is worth it. If you have to stop training for an extended period, remember that you may lose some of your progress within 2 to 3 weeks, but within that same period you may be able to regain your previous gains.

Why is muscle lost after weeks of rest?

Building muscle during training takes time. However, it only takes a couple of weeks for it to disappear due to the muscle atrophywhich occurs when muscles do not receive the necessary stimulation through exercise and, as a result, begin to reduce in size and strength.

Besides, the lack of training reduces muscle protein synthesis, which affects the body’s ability to repair and build muscle tissue. Prolonged inactivity leads to the “use or lose” principle, where the body breaks down unnecessary muscle tissue to conserve energy.}

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If you think go back to the gym Here I share four effective tips to enhance your muscles:

Return gradually: Start with lower intensity workouts and gradually increase to avoid injury. Balanced diet: Eat enough protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats to support muscle recovery. Adequate rest: Make sure you get enough sleep and allow your muscles to recover between sessions. training.Hydration: drink water adequately to keep your muscles hydrated and promote recovery.

Although yes, the muscle loss after two weeks it is usually not as significant as after a longer period of inactivity. Therefore, it is possible to recover it as long as it does not take more than that time to resume your training and maintain an adequate diet.

Now you know! If you stopped going to the gym, you can still regain your previous progress.

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