How long to run to lose weight?

by time news

2024-01-09 23:16:00

If you are looking for an exercise to improve your mood, physical condition and health, running is a good option, so here we explain How long should you run to lose weight.

It is not a surprise that exercising and maintaining a healthy life helps our body in the short and long term, but knowing the benefits and for how long will improve its functionality.

You should know that it is very important to pay attention to your body’s signals, so we recommend that you be attentive, since they can be in your favor or against you.

Since excess or lack of physical activity can damage your health, now, if you are wondering how long to run to lose weightHere we share all the information with you.

According to some specialists, running helps lower cholesterol levels, control blood pressure, and burn calories and fat, making it easier to lose weight.

How long to run to lose weight? Photo: iStock

When do you start losing weight by running?

Specialists report that in order for the muscles to consume the fat accumulated in the body, they must run for at least 45 minutes, and with a heart rate between 120/160 beats per minute, this to enter the “lipolysis zone” in which fat is used as the main “fuel.”

Likewise, it is reported that speed is not so important when running at a constant pace and without breaks, so we advise you to do it 3 to 4 times a week, combining it with a good diet.

What are the main benefits of physical activity?

According to information shared by Centers for Disease control and Preventionperforming physical activities can greatly contribute to our health, such as:

Weight management Reduces health risks Strengthens bones and muscles Improves ability to perform activities Prevents falls Increases chances of living a longer life.

How long to run to lose weight? Photo: iStock

What happens if I run 5 km every day?

after knowing how long to run to lose weight, You may wonder what could happen to your body if you run 5km and here we reveal it to you.

Running 5 km daily can have several positive effects on your health, this will help you improve cardiovascular endurance, burn calories and promote weight loss.

Also will strengthen muscles and joints, reducing the risk of injury. In addition, it can increase the feeling of well-being by releasing endorphins.

However, it is important to vary your routine to avoid exhaustion and consider adequate rest to prevent chronic injuries.

Remember that the key is in your decision and commitment; This way you will stick to your routine and have a commitment not only to yourself, but to your health to enjoy more moments with your family and friends. Can!

Don’t forget to watch the following video:

#long #run #lose #weight

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