How many calories does a tamale have? Nutritionist has the answer

by time news

2024-02-01 20:00:52

The number of calories in a tamale It is one of the most common doubts among people. Now that we are on the eve of Candlemas Day, it is time to know the answer and determine the benefits and risks of this Mexican dish from the point of view of a nutritionist.

First of all, the feeding It is the basis of health and one of the keys to preventing the appearance of multiple diseases. In parallel, it is also necessary to adopt habits such as practicing physical exercise to reach old age in the best possible condition.

How many calories does a tamale have?

Back to the main topic, the general rule indicates that For every 100 grams of tamale there are 153 calories. Therefore, the first thing to consider is the dimension of the product. Likewise, its content also influences because not all of them are made in the same way.

  • 100 gram tamale – 153 calories
  • 200 gram tamale – 306 calories
  • 300 gram tamale – 459 calories
  • 400 gram tamale – 612 calories
  • 500 gram tamale – 765 calories

On the other hand, the nutritionist Sergio published a video on the subject in which he makes it clear that in reality There are no good or bad foods. It all depends on the amount of portions and the context of each person.

With this in mind, the main indication is always to eat foods from various groups and in a balanced way. It is essential to avoid excesses because that is when diseases such as obesity occur.


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♬ sonido original – nutriologo Sergio

In addition, the condition of each person must also be taken into account. Someone who has already been diagnosed with diabetes or hypertension You must have a different diet from the others. The clear objective is to avoid complications that can even put your life at risk.

Who invented tamales?

Its origin is quite ancient because it is a pre-Hispanic food. According to some chroniclers such as Fray Bernardino de Sahagún, the tamales They were prepared for great festivals and as thanks for the fertility of the land.

The tradition has been maintained over the centuries until today. Nowadays, tamales have become one of the most common dishes throughout Mexico. In addition, it is possible to find street stalls on practically every corner.

Why do we eat tamales on February 2?

Every February 2nd is commemorated Candlemas day and by custom it is the day when there is the greatest consumption of tamales. The origin of this practice is varied although it all arose during pre-Hispanic times.

According to historians, February 2 commemorates the birth of the Sun in the Aztec calendar. Because it coincides with the beginning of the planting season, in the past it was common for large parties to be organized with offerings to Tláloc and Quetzalcóatl and in all cases the tamale was the main food.

Recipe to prepare healthy low-calorie tamales

Some time ago, nutritionist Yessica Osorno became famous on social networks because she shared a recipe to prepare healthy tamales. Its consumption is recommended for people who, due to some illness, cannot consume the original recipe.

Nutritionist creates healthy tamales and goes viral on TikTok

To begin with, the preparation of the dough is different because it requires a large cauliflower along with two eggs, corn flour, olive oil and baking powder.

While the sauce requires three green tomatoes, two cloves of garlic, onion, cilantro, green chilies and salt. Everything should be blended for a couple of minutes.

Regarding the filling, you can use chicken or mushrooms. For the final part, all the mixtures should only be combined into previously hydrated corn leaves. Each one is closed and placed in a pot in a bain-marie for 40 minutes. In the end you get an interesting variant of healthy, low-calorie tamales.

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#calories #tamale #Nutritionist #answer

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