How many calories does an apple have? Here we give you all the details

by time news

2023-11-19 21:36:12

How many calories do you have an apple? It is a question that is asked in various searches in Mexico, due to the importance of its components.

The apple It is the fruit par excellence, since it is tolerated by most people and combines with any other food.

Furthermore, it is known with certainty about the existence and function of some of the components of this fruit that give it its antioxidant character and act as an astringent or laxative food depending on how it is consumed.

Therefore, we will give you all the details about the calories that an apple has, this according to a publication from the Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco).

How many calories does an apple have?

In its publicationProfeco points out that the calories in an apple are::

Red: 59 calories Golden (yellow): 57 calories Granny Smith (green): 58 calories

Regarding its nutrients, the apple has the following:

Water: 85% of its composition is water, making it a very refreshing and hydrating fruit. Carbohydrates: Mainly in the form of fructose and, to a lesser extent, glucose and sucrose, which are easily absorbed by the body. Proteins and Fat: In small quantities, unimportant compared to its content in other nutrients. Vitamins: Contains small amounts of vitamin E or tocopherol and vitamin C, with antioxidant action. The vitamin C content differs depending on the variety, with the pippins containing the most vitamin C (11 mg), followed by the Granny Smith (7.3 mg), the Golden (5 mg) and the red varieties (3.6 mg). On the other hand, group B vitamins that promote nervous functions are also present. Minerals: The presence of potassium stands out, necessary for the transmission and generation of nervous impulses and for muscular activity, and which, at the same time, promotes kidney function. It also contains small amounts of zinc, manganese, sulfur, fluorine, iodine, boron or selenium, which play important roles in the processes that take place in the cell. Fiber: The apple is rich in fiber, it is not only in its skin, but also in its pulp, and it is mainly composed of cellulose and pectin, which have an interesting action on the regulation of intestinal transit. These fibers are effective in stimulating a sluggish intestine and helping to combat diarrhea. READ ALSO: How many calories does Red Velvet Cake at Starbucks have?

What are calories?

Las calories They are a measure of the energy that the body obtains from the foods and drinks we consume.

Foods that contain macronutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and fats provide calories. Each of these macronutrients has a specific caloric value:

1 gram of carbohydrates provides approximately 4 kilocalories. 1 gram of protein also provides approximately 4 kilocalories. 1 gram of fat provides approximately 9 kilocalories.

When planning a diet and maintaining a proper balance of nutrients, it is important to consider the number of calories consumed to ensure that the body receives the energy necessary to function properly, without exceeding the amount necessary to avoid unwanted weight gain.

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