How many children did Irma Serrano have: this was the procedure to “become” a mother

by time news

After making himself known death of Irma Serranoat 89 years of age, much has been speculated about the private life of the actress, singer, politician and one of the most controversial women in show business. How many children did Irma Serrano have?this was the procedure to ‘become’ a mother.

Irma Serrano became known in the showbiz for her unmatched beauty, talent, as well as her qualities to dance and overflow sensuality. However, her private life, especially the romantic relationships in which she became involved, kept her in the eye of the hurricane.

Did Irma Serrano have children?

Irma Serrano had no childrendespite having had several love relationships con controversial characters, Among those who stand out, the former president of Mexico, Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, Fernando Casas Aleman, Patricio Zambrano, former participant of the television show ‘Big Brother’, as well as an alleged romance with the driver De Nigris Poncho.

How many children did Irma Serrano have: this was the procedure to ‘become’ a mother/ Photo: Instagram @ponchodenigris

Was Irma Serrano pregnant?

Although Irma Serrano had no children. At some point in her life, she did seek to get pregnant, but it was not during her youth, but in her over 70s, when she was already a mature woman, this was revealed in 2003 to various media.

“I already have a man in my life, in my house, I already have a man who is the father of the son I carry in my belly, they are barely, it will be four weeks. I would like a boy and a girl,” said ‘La Tigresa’ in an interview.

Although at the time he did not reveal the father’s identity of the supposed baby that was growing in her womb, time later she assured that she underwent a in vitro fertilization with the sperm of who was his partner in the mid-1970s, Alley Peraltaa Mexican businessman who passed away in 1997.

How many children did Irma Serrano have: this was the procedure to ‘become’ a mother/ Photo: Instagram @irmaserrano.oficial

What is the in vitro fertilization that Irma Serrano underwent?

The in vitro fertilization to which Irma Serrano underwent in a clinic in Houston, in the United States, is a procedure in which fertilizes the egg with a spermatozoon outside the woman’s body to achieve a pregnancy, describe specialists from the Mayo Clinic Medical Institute.

Is assisted reproductive technique, is one of the main infertility treatments in women over 40 years of age. However, it is also performed when there is blocked fallopian tubes, ovulation disorders, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, genetic disorders and even if the woman underwent a removal of the fallopian tubes.

Although today many women they delay their maternity and opt for this type of treatment to fulfill themselves professionally or because they still do not feel ready to become mothersthere are some risks of undergoing an in vitro fertilization after the age of 40.

How many children did Irma Serrano have: this was the procedure to ‘become’ a mother/ Photo: Instagram @irmaserrano.oficial

What are the risks of in vitro fertilization after the age of 40?

According to an article published in the ELSEVIER magazine, pregnancies in women over the age of 40 can present some complications, for example, they are related to a higher rate of preeclampsiagestational diabetes, premature birth, risk of miscarriage or fetal death.

Due to the risks associated with pregnancies after age 40the age limit to offer in vitro fertilization treatments it is at 50 years of age, but if the woman wishes to use her own ovules, the limit is up to 42 years of age.

When Irma Serrano confirmed that she was pregnantat over 70 years of age, mentioned that he used the frozen sperm by Alejo Peralta. However, in January 2004 he announced that he had lost her baby and that he no longer had a chance to try again.

How many children did Irma Serrano have: this was the procedure to ‘become’ a mother/ Photo: Instagram @irmaserrano.oficial

“I knew that getting pregnant was dangerous because they warned me, but I took a risk and it couldn’t be done,” said Irma Serrano, who narrated that she expelled clots after the alleged abortion.

now that you know What is the procedure that Irma Serrano underwent to “become” a motherDo you think her pregnancy was possible?

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