How many Holocaust survivors live in Israel today?

by time news

Knitted News27.04.22 20:11 26 Nissan Tishpev

How many Holocaust survivors live in Israel today?

There are 161,192 Holocaust survivors living in Israel at the age of 71 – 118, which is 22% of all Israeli residents in this age group, of whom 31% receive a senior citizen’s pension with supplemental income supplement, and 62% receive a nursing benefit.

“One should not wait for Holocaust Remembrance Day to mention the need for it”

61% of the survivors are women and 39% are men, aged 90 and over there is a larger majority of women 65% compared to 35% men. 10% of all survivors are married. 18% of the entire elderly population (aged 71 and over) are Holocaust survivors aged 90 and over, compared with only 7% aged 90 and over in the general population at these ages.

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31% of Holocaust survivors receive a supplement to the income of a senior citizen from the National Insurance Institute, compared with 23% of the entire population in this age group who receive an income supplement. 49,247 survivors receive income supplement, of which 33,362 are singles and 15,885 are married. Most of those eligible for income supplement are aged 89-80, a total of 38,065 people who are 77% of all survivors.

99,325 Holocaust survivors receive a nursing benefit, which is 62% of all survivors: 66,058 are women (66%), 22,987 are aged 90 and over (23%), 22,609 are entitled to a level 6 pension, the highest level (23%).

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Meir Spiegler, Director General of the National Insurance Institute: “Our public and state responsibility is to assist Holocaust survivors in everything possible and to make sure that they live with dignity. There are other laws that can be changed to improve their situation, and as time goes on it becomes more and more critical. “We do not have to wait for Holocaust Remembrance Day to mention the need for it, but I hope that on this day we will be able to promote further legislative changes for the benefit of those who have experienced the worst of all and it is our responsibility to take care of them.”

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