How many times do you have to have sex to get pregnant?

by time news

2023-05-08 22:48:26

Having a child is the dream of many women. Being so natural, our bodies are designed for it, it should be easy. However, this is not always the case, if you find yourself doing homework you may be wondering, How many times do you have to have sex to get pregnant?

Beyond the passion or enjoyment, if what you want is to have a baby. So you should know that there are some factors to consider and that it is important that you know.

How long does it take a woman to get pregnant after intercourse?

If you’ve ever heard of the saying, “where the eye lays the bullet”. Well, the reality is that it doesn’t always happen. According to the Planned Parenthood Federation of Americapregnancy begins when the fertilized egg implants itself in the tissue of the uterus, which can take two to three weeks, after sexual intercourse.

It must be considered that the above does not always happen in all intimate encounters, therefore…

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This Is How Often You Have To Have Sex To Get Pregnant

We would like to tell you that the number exceeds 7 meetings per week, but it is not. In fact, experts recommend a daily sexual encounter from the 13th day of the cycle, which must be maintained for the 5 days after that date, in the case of regular periods.

If your menstruation is irregular, the recommendation extends to having sexual intercourse every day for 7 to 10 days, starting on day 13. The main reason is that these are the days when a woman is more fertile.

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The less sex the sperm have better quality?

Actually, it is false. This is revealed by a study by the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics, which found that the semen quality it gets better the more ejaculations a man has; by increasing the movement of spermatozoa, the fragmentation of the DNA decreases.

To promote good health the sperms, It is recommended that men have sexual intercourse frequently. Yeah, they’re not fooling us at all that they have a need to have relationships daily.

What should I do after having sex to get pregnant?

There is a popular belief that, to ensure pregnancy, afterthe sexual act the woman You should elevate your legs in order to facilitate the “journey” of the sperm to the uterus. However, sperm have their own mobility, which is why it is a myth.

On the other hand, there is an action that, although it does not have a completely scientific basis, doctors recommend it; after sex it is good that you stay lying on your back for about 10 or 15 minutes.

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How to make the sperm reach the egg?

For the ones sperm reaches the egg they must follow a complicated path. First, they must move through the cervix and into the upper part of the female reproductive tract. Once there, they must be able to detect the chemical signals emitted by the mature ovule, which helps point them in the right direction.

After this, the sperm must be able to penetrate the outer layer of the egg, known as the corona radiata, in order to fertilize it.

The chance of sperm reaching the egg can be increased by certain healthy practices, such as eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly, and reducing tobacco and alcohol use.

Also, it can be helpful to have sex during the ovulation period, which occurs roughly in the middle of a woman’s menstrual cycle, when the egg is most available for fertilization.

Getting pregnant is something that is influenced by various factors, not just the amount of sex you have. What makes it important that you go to your doctor so that he guides you on this path.

If you want to know more about pregnancy, we invite you to watch the following video:

#times #sex #pregnant

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