How much are we going to miss Jorge Javier Vázquez?

by time news

2023-06-18 01:17:15

We asked Lydia Lozano, who has been sharing television afternoons with him for fifteen years: How much are you missing Jorge Javier? «These last days without him are being very painful, I feel like I’m drowning. The afternoons seem eternal to me and extending the format without him is twice the suffering. I would have preferred euthanasia, that on Friday they told me: ‘On Monday, don’t come back.’

Lydia Lozano and the rest of the collaborators of ‘Sálvame’ are leaving Netflix because Telecinco, which wants to change its content, will bolt ‘Sálvame’ on June 23.

But before they ‘throw him out’, Jorge Javier has left: «Right now, going back is the last thing on my mind, although it may be what I most want tomorrow. I don’t know,” he wrote on Twitter on June 3. Goodbye, overnight. And his hollow is a ‘huecazo’. Will someone be able to fill it?

  1. Of laughter, his best version

You will have seen Jorge Javier cracking up with laughter many times. Rosa Belmonte, a television critic, says that he is the best version of him. «Unlike Belén Esteban, who wins when she is angry, the best Jorge Javier is the fun one; angry does not matter, he becomes very political ». But when he is good, he says, “he is a quick, spontaneous, witty guy, he laughs at himself, at others… I remember that once in makeup he heard how Belén told how she helped her daughter with the lessons of History and then took her out to take an exam on set. It was hilarious, a brilliant idea. He is a lion tamer, an extraordinary goat herder ».

His ingenuity is also applauded by Juan Francisco Lozano, professor of Audiovisual Journalism at the University of Malaga. «He has a great freshness, irony, mental speed… And that hooks the audience a lot. On the other hand, he is a transgressor, a bit like Mercedes Milá but more pointed, to put it in some way. A kind of jester, a somewhat cynical guy with an intelligence that makes him capable of responding to everything. A hooligan with a conscience and with contradictions that sometimes goes too far ». And yes, he coincides with Belmonte, much better with laughter. «Jorge Javier has entered fully into the polarization that exists in today’s society and that has earned him many followers, who are faithful to him, but he has also had detractors who deny him from the outset for a purely ideological matter».

  1. Frivolous… because he wants to and because he can

«Jorge Javier could interview whoever he wanted. He is one of the best professionals in recent years », affirms Rosa Belmonte. And doesn’t that clash a bit with the ‘spread me’ of ‘Save me’? «He enjoys frivolity and he is not bad. What’s more, not everyone is capable of playing with frivolity like he does. But he also knows how to get what he wants from an interviewee. We have seen him with Concha Velasco, with Lola Herrera…».

Jorge Javier transcends television to delve into other areas of culture and art… and it works. «There are those who keep the foam of ‘Sálvame’ and those who look for other cultural references in it. Let’s not forget that he has been successful in the theater. And, with respect to television, Mercedes Milá was also closely linked and identified with ‘Big Brother’ and left there to turn her career around with another, more serious format. It would not be surprising if Jorge Javier took that path, “says Juan Francisco Lozano.

Kiko Matamoros, Jorge Javier Vázquez and Terelu Campos.


«Jorge Javier is a benchmark in audiovisual communication, capable of creating a mass product and making several versions of it, adapting to each time slot to get the most out of it. As a creative he is a reference », acknowledges José Ortiz, coordinator of the psychology and marketing, advertising and consumption group of the Official College of Psychology of Madrid. But all of that, he warns, has taken its toll on him. «Energy and resources are limited and Telecinco has squeezed it like a lemon. The audience he has achieved has been brutal, but it has been at the cost of overexposure. Has it gone well? Yes, but it has not been free, it has been a significant cost ».

  1. Jorge Javier’s score: 3.9

Numbers equal to success? Yes, but not necessarily to good repute. It happens to Jorge Javier who is highly valued in the profession, but not so much among the spectators. Personality Media, a company that analyzes the celebrity market to advise advertisers on the most suitable celebrities to sell their product, has the data of 137 Spanish presenters (men). The notes, wow. And Jorge Javier fails with a 3.9. «He has a very high level of knowledge, 91% of Spaniards know him, but he does not have a good image. He is a guy who has led controversial programs with tremendous cunning whose peak audience is reached with controversy. But if the content of your program is based on continuous controversy, on vengeful statements, you surround yourself with negative things that end up affecting your image”, explains Santiago de Mollinedo, CEO of Personality Media. And he explains with data that bad image of the presenter of ‘Save me’: «Of 137 professionals analyzed, he ranks 132 in confidence and 133 in role model. He only approves in the modernity section and, even so, he does it fairly, with a 5.2 ». He explains that women see him with slightly better eyes, “especially the older ones” and 20% of them give him a note between notable and outstanding.

But despite this highly questioned image, advertisers have never been lacking in ‘Sálvame’: «It is the program with the worst image on television, but it has a large audience. And the brands want to be there, to put on their spots, but another thing is that they want to later link their product with the presenter or with the collaborators. It is one thing to appear in a 20-second ad during the program and another to choose Kiko Hernández as a brand image. Advertisers don’t want to do that, they don’t want to link up with those people.

  1. Telecinco without Jorge Javier? What Telecinco is that?

“If Real Madrid has won the Champions League without Cristiano Ronaldo and Barcelona is the same without Messi”, it is to be expected that Telecinco will also recover from the departure of its great star, says José Ortiz Gordo. «Telecinco is not the same without Jorge Javier, true. But good marketing managers must be prepared for the relief. We are resistant to change, but the chain is making a change to redefine its image. Jorge Javier is part of the legacy but probably not part of the brand identity of the future.”

Not only does it seem that Telecinco could have a future without Jorge Javier, ‘Sálvame’ has also ‘saved’ his departure. “It is such a well-oiled program that it works just as well with him as with Paz Padilla, María Patiño…”, recalls Rosa Belmonte.

– Has an era ended?

Ortiz Gordo: The comfortable thing for Telecinco would be to keep ‘Sálvame’ and those contents that have given it an identity. The risky thing is to do without them as you are doing, but you are thinking about the future. There was also a time with the mamachichos that worked and that today would be inadmissible. What they are doing is strategic marketing, they are defining what brand they want to be in the future.

Rosa Belmonte: I don’t know what direction the chain will take, but disconcerting things are being seen. For example, in ‘Socialité’ they talked to you the other day about Taylor Swift, about foreign actresses at the Cannes Film Festival. But what do we care about foreigners? Tell me about Ortega Cano!

– Will Jorge Javier return?

Rosa Belmonte: I think so. I, at least, prefer him to any other. Jon Aramendi does it well, also Carlos Sobera… But neither is Jorge Javier.

Juan Francisco Lozano: Television engulfs with its speed and anyone who seems essential is suddenly forgotten to be later recovered in memory. But, due to his age and his profile, I don’t think the time has come for Jorge Javier to go down in memory. The same thing happened with ‘Here’s a tomato’. It was thought that after that time would end, but Jorge Javier reappeared with something even more lasting. He is not a figure that can be removed from the market overnight.

#Jorge #Javier #Vázquez

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