How Much ‘Calcium’ Do You Need To Eat?

by time news

For the age range of 19-50 years and the age range of 51-70 years Should receive about 1,000 milligrams of calcium per day. which during adolescence is a period that continues to grow until the age of about 20 years and when the age is over 25 years, the body will grow slowly As for working adults, they need to get the right amount of calcium regularly to build up strong bone mass.

For seniors 71 years and older Is the age that should receive more calcium than other people, ie 1,200 mg/day Because after the age of over 30 years, the body absorbs less calcium and there is a loss of calcium. thus causing bone and teeth problems This causes the bones to become brittle, porous, and unhealthy. Due to the calcium in the bones and teeth of the elderly deteriorate according to physical conditions.

“Pregnant woman” The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recommend that pregnant women get 1,200 milligrams of calcium per day. If not getting enough calcium may affect both the mother and the baby, such as numbness, cramps, slow growth of the baby. The baby is smaller, etc. The fetus needs to receive approximately 30 grams of calcium, accounting for 2.5 percent of the amount of calcium in the mother’s body. Most of the calcium is used for the formation of the baby’s bones. and will be stored in the fetus during the third trimester of pregnancy The baby will store about 240 milligrams of calcium per day.

Food sources high in calcium

According to the committee and the working group to improve the daily nutrient requirements for Thai people Detailed information about foods that are high in calcium in a nutshell. Milk is a good source of calcium. because it has a high calcium content and is absorbed very well In addition to milk, other alternative food sources that are high in calcium, the most commonly consumed are Small fish eaten whole, dried shrimp, tofu, or leafy green vegetables that are moderate to high in calcium and low in oxalate, such as kale, bok choy, cassia, gourd, gotu kola, winged bean. etc.

seed plants namely dried beans and sesame dried beans There are varying medium to high levels of calcium. But besides calcium, it also contains phytate, a substance that blocks the absorption of calcium. Causing the body to be unable to absorb calcium, however Calcium from legumes such as soybeans, red beans It can also be used as a food source that is high in calcium, although not as much as milk. Calcium content of soybean milk is decreased due to the loss of calcium in soybean meal which is from the production process. Calcium is added to some brands of soymilk to increase the amount of calcium absorbed.

Green leafy vegetables that are high in calcium must be low in oxalate, such as kale, bok choy, cassia, gourd, gotu kola, winged bean. Because oxalate binds with calcium to form crystals. and will not be absorbed into the body

Foods high in calcium (more than 50 milligrams per 100 grams) include: Rice bran, wild yam, sweet potato, sago seed, black sesame, white sesame, soy sauce, bean paste, all types of tofu Including tofu skins, string beans, red beans, black beans, peas, winged beans, long beans, edamame, peanuts, soybeans, safflower seeds Sunflower seeds, lotus seeds, Guava seeds almond seeds etc.

When to take a calcium supplement

For all ages of the population, it is recommended that calcium be obtained primarily from the diet. If not getting enough or there is a risk of calcium deficiency on a daily basis, it is recommended to take calcium supplements. Indications for taking calcium supplements may be considered from factors such as: Pregnant women, the elderly or those who want to prevent osteoporosis people who are overweight or obesity People who have had parathyroid gland surgery people with kidney disease and in people who are allergic to certain foods For example, people allergic to cow’s milk may need a calcium supplement from natural sources.

How Much 'Calcium' Do You Need To Eat?

Calcium deficiency, the silent killer

Currently, Thai people have a risk of developing osteoporosis up to 90%. According to the World Health Organization, osteoporosis worldwide has become the second most serious public health problem in the world after heart disease and stroke. With more than 200 million women worldwide suffering from osteoporosis, in Thailand it is a silent threat that most people overlook and are not careful. The cost of treating osteoporosis requires an average of 300,000 baht/person per year.

The main cause of osteoporosis. Caused by a lack of calcium, which with age will result in thinner bones. There is a risk of causing bones to collapse, becoming brittle, and easily broken. For the danger of osteoporosis, causing back pain, stooped back, difficulty moving, difficulty breathing, poor lung function, easily tired, and poorer quality of life. May result in severe disability or death, which 90 percent of patients do not know that they have osteoporosis.

The incidence of osteoporosis in females is as high as one in three, especially among those who are menopausal and over 60 years of age. In males, the incidence of osteoporosis is about one in five among those over the age group. 60 years

How Much 'Calcium' Do You Need To Eat?

How much can “Calcium” and “Osteoporosis” be prevented or contributed?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) definition, osteoporosis Osteoporosis It is a bone disease that occurs throughout the body that causes bones to fracture and become brittle. The body has low bone mass and deterioration of the bone microstructure. Because calcium, vitamin D and vitamin K are important components for building and repairing bones. Osteoporosis prevention As for calcium, it is recommended to consume enough from food to meet daily needs. People with osteoporosis should get enough calcium along with vitamin D. This is because there is evidence that calcium and vitamin D can prevent fractures from osteoporosis.

for menopausal women Osteoporosis is a common occurrence. 1 in 2 postmenopausal women will have a fracture from osteoporosis. It is recommended for postmenopausal women who are at risk of fractures. Especially in people who have previously broken bones. Should be treated with drugs that increase bone mass or reduce bone resorption. and in postmenopausal women with low bone mass density (low bone mass density) who are at risk of fractures from osteoporosis. It should be treated with medication. Calcium and vitamin D should also be supplemented.

How Much 'Calcium' Do You Need To Eat?

How to choose the best calcium intake

Major calcium supplements There are many different types of chemical composition and structure. Which makes it have different properties as well The main difference is that the body “absorbs” unequally, so choose calcium that is well absorbed by the body. recommend CALCIUM mixed with vitamin D3 with Calcium Carbonate 1,500 mg, 40% free calcium content, and it is also liquid calcium. that has no solubility problem And can be absorbed immediately. It also contains Vitamin D3 mixed to increase the absorption of calcium into the bones. For those who want to maintain strong bones and teeth Prevent osteoporosis, such as children, pregnant women breastfeeding woman and those who want to prevent osteoporosis

Natural substance, StimuCal formula The main ingredient is Ossein-Hydroxyapatite Complex that helps prevent bone loss and increase bone formation together with Vitamin D3 that increases calcium absorption into bones and Vitamin K2 that helps Osteocalcin proteins to draw calcium from the blood and blood vessels. To stick to the bone tissue better. That helps prevent and treat osteoporosis, including bone fractures. It is effective in treating and safe in patients with cardiovascular diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure. hyperlipidemia Cardiovascular disease, obesity because the StimuCal formula will not result in plaque in the arteries for those who have such chronic disease problems. Because those who have problems with these diseases, the blood vessels will have weak problems. And are more likely to have plaque on the arteries than people without health problems, so the StimuCal formula is effective and safe. Better than any form of calcium on the market. Importantly, it is a 100% natural compound through special technology. by extracting from bovine bones Contains calcium, protein and phosphorus components to help build bone density. The results of medical research confirm the effectiveness of the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis. Safe when taken continuously for a long time

For those who want to prevent and treat osteoarthritis medical collagen introduction Formula Fortigel Containing hydrolyzate collagen that the European and American Food and Drug Administration classifies as a group of protein nutrients that can be consumed safely. Stimulates cartilage cells to produce more collagen around the joint cartilage, reducing pain and improving joint movement. It also increases the level of hyaluronic acid. which is a component of joint fluid and also inhibits the degradation of joint fluid Therefore helping to prevent osteoarthritis for people who are at risk of developing osteoarthritis, such as those who like to exercise strenuously. People who have to stand for a long time on a regular basis. Women who like to wear high heels. or the elderly, etc.

refer :

: Committee and working group to improve the daily nutrient requirements for Thai people. Dietary Reference Intake for Thais 2020. Bureau of Nutrition, Department of Health, Ministry of Public Health. 2020.

: MEGA We care, market leader in health care products in Thailand

: Article by Dr. Suwiwat Bunnag, Asst. Prof. Dr. Wanrasamee Ketchart, Department of Pharmacology Faculty of Medicine Chulalongkorn University

: MDCU Pharmacolog

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