How Much Cumin Seeds Per Day, Cumin Benefits And Side Effects: Cumin seeds are not only a spice but a boon for health, they provide huge benefits in many diseases – health benefits of cumin nutrition risks and side effects you need to know more about jeera in hindi

by times news cr

2024-09-28 07:44:45
If any vegetable is prepared at home, a sprinkle of cumin seeds is definitely added. The taste of food changes just by adding cumin seeds. Apart from enhancing the taste, we get many benefits from the use of cumin. Cumin can also be used to cure many diseases.

It is a spice which contains small brown seeds. Cumin has been considered an important medicine in Ayurveda. Cumin is a very useful spice. Mineral elements like potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron are found in it. Carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and fiber are also present in cumin. It is rich in antioxidants.

Dr. Nidhi Dhawan, HOD Dietetics, Saroj Super Specialty Hospital According to Delhi, three types of cumin have been mentioned in Ayurveda, which include black cumin, white cumin and Aranya cumin (this is wild cumin). White cumin is mostly used as a spice in Indian homes. Let us know everything about the benefits of cumin.

strengthen immunity
Elements like Vitamin C and antioxidants are found in cumin, which strengthen the body’s immunity. It helps protect our body from damage caused by free radicals and many types of infections.

helpful in reducing weight
Using cumin increases our metabolism, which helps in eliminating excess fat from the body faster. By consuming it, weight can be reduced easily. Using cumin also detoxifies our body.

cure indigestion
Use of cumin cures stomach related diseases. If coriander and cumin paste is cooked in ghee and eaten half an hour before meals, it proves beneficial in Vata Pitta dosha and indigestion.

reduce fever
Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties are found in cumin. If someone has fever along with constipation then it can be cured with Ayurvedic remedy by using cumin. Soak cumin seeds in cow’s milk and let it dry. After it dries, make powder and add sugar candy to it. Consuming it provides relief even in severe fever and removes weakness in the body.

help increase appetite

Many times, lack of appetite occurs due to some physical weakness. There is problem of loss of appetite even during fever. If 3 grams of cumin seeds are mixed with a little lemon juice and consumed with salt, it increases appetite. If someone has fever, then gargling with a little decoction of cumin does not reduce appetite.

control blood sugar
By consuming cumin, blood sugar level in the body can be controlled. It increases insulin sensitivity in the body. Diabetic patients can benefit from cumin.

improve heart health
Consumption of cumin can prove helpful in controlling cholesterol levels. It protects us from heart diseases. Balances blood pressure and improves blood circulation in the body.

Useful in toothache
If someone is suffering from dental disease or has severe toothache, then consumption of cumin can be beneficial. To cure toothache, gargling with a decoction of black cumin provides relief from pain.

beneficial in leucorrhoea
Many women have the problem of leucorrhoea. To overcome the problem of leucorrhoea, cumin should be consumed. Mixing 5 grams of cumin powder with 10 grams of sugar candy powder and consuming it with rice water provides relief from leucorrhoea.

improve eyesight
It is effective in improving eyesight and getting rid of eye diseases. Make a decoction by adding 7 grams of black cumin in half liter of hot water. Washing the eyes with this improves eyesight and removes the problem of watery eyes.

experiment on burning with fire
If any part of the body is burnt by fire, then cook the paste of madan fruit and cumin seeds in ghee and apply it on the burnt area. By applying this paste, you will soon see relief on the burnt body part.

beneficial in piles
Boil 5 grams of white cumin in water till done. Until one-fourth of the water is left. Drinking this water mixed with sugar candy in the morning and evening provides relief from pain and swelling caused by piles.

Beneficial for hair and skin
Hair related problems can be solved by using cumin. Vitamin E present in cumin is helpful in removing blemishes and acne. It strengthens our hair from the roots and reduces the problem of hair fall.

cure anemia
Iron is present in abundance in cumin. Iron is required in the body to increase hemoglobin in the blood. Women suffer from iron deficiency due to menstruation. Therefore women should use cumin.

How to use cumin
Cumin can be eaten in powder form. Half to one spoon of cumin powder should be eaten. It can be swallowed with lukewarm water after meals. Cumin oil can be consumed. Add a couple of drops of cumin oil in a glass of lukewarm water. Drink this twice a day after meals. Cumin can also be used by making decoction. Drink four to eight spoons of the decoction with warm water after meals. Add 1 to 2 spoons of cumin seeds in lukewarm water and leave it overnight. Drinking it in the morning on an empty stomach helps in weight loss.

Side effects of consuming cumin

Consuming cumin may cause itching, skin rashes or difficulty in breathing for many people. Such people should avoid consuming cumin. They may be allergic to cumin.

excessive reduction in blood sugar
Regular consumption of cumin reduces the sugar level in the blood. People who have the problem of hypoglycemia i.e. lack of sugar. They should avoid consuming cumin. This may lower the blood sugar level excessively.

risk of miscarriage
Pregnant women should not consume cumin in large quantities. This may be unsafe for them. Excessive consumption of cumin can stimulate the uterus in pregnant women, increasing the risk of miscarriage.

hormonal imbalance
Excessive consumption of cumin can cause hormonal imbalance in the body. Excessive consumption of cumin can affect the menstruation of women.

Disclaimer: This article is for general information only. It cannot in any way be a substitute for any medicine or treatment. Always consult your doctor for more information.

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