How much do hospital administrators earn and what is the difference from the interns? Wage report

by time news

The average wage per job in the Israeli health system in the first corona year, 2020, was NIS 20,642 gross per month – almost twice the average wage in the economy. The average wage per employee – some of whom are not full-time employees – reached NIS 17,052.

These are some of the data published this morning (Sunday) in the report of the salary commissioner in the Ministry of Finance, Kobi Bar-Natan, who publishes for the first time a separate report on the public health system in 2020, as was done recently in the report on the education system.

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Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv

Ichilov Hospital in Tel Aviv

(Photo: Dana Kopel)

The number of workers in the entire health system in Israel in 2020, when the system first dealt with the severe corona epidemic, was 111,026 employed.

The authors of the report note that following the doctors’ salary agreement signed in 2011, the salaries of specialist doctors and managers have increased at a much higher rate than the salaries of interns and interns. For an increase in the salaries of interns.

Thus, according to the report, 33 hospital managers earned an average of NIS 82,580, managers earned NIS 53,234, a senior specialist NIS 42,299, a young specialist NIS 33,558 and an intern NIS 24,182 and an intern NIS 10,714.

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(From the report of the Wage Commissioner in the Ministry of Finance on the health system)

As a result, doctors have the highest salaries in hospitals with an average of NIS 34,421 per employee, followed by engineers – NIS 23,620 per employee, brothers and sisters – NIS 19,774 per employee and laboratory employees – earning NIS 16,438 per employee.

Salaries in government hospitals, Ichilov Hospital and Clalit Health Services’ hospitals are particularly high: the top decile of doctors, without interns, averages NIS 78,756. Brothers and sisters earn NIS 32,072 in the top decile. The gap in these professions is especially large, since in the lower decile the salary of doctors is only NIS 15,937 and the salary of brothers and sisters is NIS 13,731 gross per month.

The report also shows that doctors who combine work in the hospital with work in the health corporation or in the program for shortening appointments reach an average salary, in the top decile of these doctors, of NIS 91,350. NIS, the brothers and sisters NIS 37,471, and the laboratory workers NIS 34,812.

According to the report, the average salary per employee in the hospitals was NIS 18,416, with the number of employees in the hospitals amounting to NIS 59,945. 60% of the employees in the hospitals earn over NIS 15,000, and only 3% of the employees earn less than NIS 9,000.

It also shows that the average salary in 2020 in the health funds was NIS 20,561 and the average salary per employee was NIS 15,997. The number of jobs in the hospital was 31,145 and the number of employees was 40,032.

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(From the report of the Wage Commissioner in the Ministry of Finance on the health system)

The doctors’ salaries at the health funds averaged NIS 45,639 and the brothers and sisters NIS 16,405, while in the dreamer’s funds it turns out that there are particularly significant differences between men and women in salaries: men earn an average of NIS 30,577 and women only NIS 17,816.

Meanwhile, the auditor notes that a major part of the gap is due to a difference of about 61% in the average earnings for additional work. Another major factor in the gender pay gap is variance in the choice of occupation, with occupations where the wage is relatively high having a higher proportion of men, among others in the rank of doctors and engineers. Also, part of the gap is due to lower representation of women in senior positions.

The report also shows that the salaries of doctors in hospitals in the periphery are thousands of shekels higher than their counterparts in the hospitals in the center.

Thus, the director of a hospital in Safed and Tiberias earned NIS 70,690, compared with an average of NIS 48,357 in the center of the country. A senior expert earned NIS 55,488 in the far periphery of Safed and Tiberias (there are other ratings of the periphery such as Afula, Nahariya, Ashkelon and Hadera) compared to NIS 38,470 in the center of the country.

Despite claims that the labor force in the health care system in Israel is smaller than necessary and supposedly reduced, according to the report, the increase in human capital in hospitals since 2012 was faster than the growth of the population in Israel and the most significant increase occurred in doctors’ rankings. -10,593 in 2020.

The report reveals, among other things, that the direct salary expenses of the HMOs in respect of the community health system amounted to a high amount of NIS 10 billion in 2020. For contracting with independent doctors, the HMOs paid another NIS 5.5 billion. The direct salary expenses in the hospital system The public sector stood at about NIS 19.5 billion, while the salary expenses of the health corporations reached about NIS 2.5 billion.

Wage Commissioner Kobi Bar-Natan: “With the outbreak of the Corona epidemic, the public health system is at the forefront of the war on the epidemic. “We will continue to absorb young and talented workers and retain them in the public system. We will also continue to work to improve the utilization of the system’s infrastructure in the afternoon, and to strengthen the public health system in the periphery, to ensure optimal health services for all Israelis.”


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