How much does a doctor earn at Farmacias Similares? A doctor reveals what she receives

by times news cr

2024-07-31 04:17:51

The popularity of the chain of Similar pharmacies In Mexico it is undeniable, but,How much does a doctor who works in one of these branches earn?? Find out what it revealed a doctorwho brought to light what he receives.

Its characteristic slogan “the same but cheaper”, as well as its distinctive Doctor Simi’s mascothave made this company a worldwide phenomenon.

And it is that Farmacias Similares has deployed 9,600 business units both in Mexico like in Chilewhich has led it to become “the second largest chain in the world by points of sale,” according to its website.

In addition, the low cost of its medications, as well as the care provided through its clinics, have made Farmacias Similares a reliable alternative for Mexican society.

But,How much is the salary of a doctor who works at Farmacias Similares?Here we tell you what a doctor revealed on social media.

Similar pharmacies (Saul Lopez / Cuartoscuro)

How much does a doctor earn at Farmacias Similares?

The Dr. Naila Carrera answered on his TikTok account the question that we have all asked ourselves at some point;How much does a doctor earn at Farmacias Similares??

According to the health professional who has more than 17 thousand followers On this social network, doctors who work giving consultations at Farmacias Similares “They don’t have a fixed salary”.

In this regard, Dr. Carrera explained that these doctors They earn what they generate through their consultations y procedures such as injection applications, dressings, sutures, etc.

The doctor also showed the consultation price that have established in Similar Pharmacies. These are:

  • Monday to Saturday: Consultations at $50
  • Sunday and holidays: Consultations at $65

However, the doctor revealed that the doctors at Farmacias Similares They earn more thanks to the procedures they performbecause even though they have a price table for them, they are allowed to charge separately for the material they must use.

“For example, sutures, which depend on your skill and how much you want to charge for your work.”

Dr. Naila Carrera

It is worth mentioning that Dr. Naila Carrera referred in another publication that her gain during a weekend In Similar Pharmacies, it is 2 thousand 600 pesos on average, based on the system explained above.

How much does a doctor earn at Farmacias Similares? A doctor reveals what she receives

Doctor Simi ( )

What are the advantages and disadvantages of working at Farmacias Similares as a doctor?

According to Dr. Naila Carrera, one of the advantages that doctors have to work in Similar pharmaciesis the ease of schedule that it gives you.

The content creator also pointed out that for those who are recent graduatesor those who are starting their professional career, Farmacias Similares are a great option to “make themselves known” and consolidate a patient agenda.

However, the doctor framed a great disadvantage For the doctors who work in these branches, because They do not have social security or benefits.

2024-07-31 04:17:51

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