How much is lost without professional football?

by time news

2023-05-18 19:08:05

“The development of the towns is also measured in sports” and, based on this premise, Chimborazo is in the background, and in sports terms it would be appropriate to say: Chimborazo fell in category! The province does not have a representative in the Professional Soccer League of the ‘A’ and ‘B’ series, and the representative body for professional soccer in the province, the Non-Amateur Soccer Association of Chimborazo, is in trouble and at an amateur level with a Chimborazo Sports Federation, this in sports, because there would be a lack of paper to write about other topics in which the lack of actions that benefit an always “Magical Province” stands out. How much is lost without professional football?

Question mark. How much does the city lose by not having professional soccer? is restlessness. Thus, Víctor Hugo Calderón, a retired teacher and experienced soccer coach, maintains that everyone loses, “the bitumen loses, the ladies who make the uniforms lose, the lady with the pussy loses, the man who sells ice cream loses, we practically all lose the The fact of not having professional football interferes with many sectors: tourism loses a lot, it’s a shame that the great champion of 2000, Olmedo Sports Center was relegated and the province was left without football in Serie ‘B’ in the national context”. Now the million dollar question arises: when will CD Olmedo return to Serie ‘B’?, since “it took a lot for our team to rise to the first category and stay for a few years, but it did not last long and, today, we are down, hopefully the current board, the players, we too, as fans, must support so that the team returns to Serie ‘B’ as quickly as possible”.

Calderón acknowledges that “returning to Serie ‘B’ is going to be a bit complicated, it should be noted that Serie ‘B’ is much more competitive than Serie ‘A’, hopefully the team will return soon for the benefit of our province and our city, and everyone’s.”

Support. “Everything depends on the team administrator, if we have a good head, a great prop where we can adjust the nuts in terms of coaches, players, people who are going to help the team, that would be good, it is essential that people who support appear because, For a moment here, I have seen with great sadness that there is no industrialist that helps Olmedo, and we all know that all management is done with money, because waiting for the Federation or the LigaPro to come to us is impossible, as long as there are no companies, institutions and people who help the team financially, the administrator is going to have his hands tied”, argued Calderón. There is another factor that requires in-depth analysis, the fact that there are two directives in the Football Association has an impact on sports development, “it is a problem because there must be a leadership that ensures the benefit of the clubs and football of the province, if there is not a directive in the Association that is defending the institutionality in the economic aspect and in all there will be no results”.

Marco Antonio Ojeda, author of the anthem ‘I am a fan of Olmedo’, referring to the subject, said that it is essential “to start from the importance of soccer in Latin America, Central America and the United States, precisely because the Soccer represents a very large inflow of money, both in advertising, in the sale of players, the people who attend the stadium, so soccer is a great industry and in that order of things we can say that, since there is no professional soccer in Riobamba is a great loss, the province loses a lot, because with professional soccer many people come from abroad, the economy is energized, restaurant owners win, the people who have their small stalls, everyone sells something; So it’s a big loss. I consider that Riobamba is a soccer city, Chimborazo is a province that we love soccer, and we have been able to see that when Olmedo was well, there was a lack of a stadium, ”he assured.

Out of the national soccer context!

Washington Tapia, manager of Andinas FC, a team that participates in the National Women’s Futsal League, announced that “there are many points of view that must be analyzed on the subject of how much does the city lose without professional soccer?”
Analysis. The manager points out four themes:
1.- Economically
2.- Touristically
3.- Commercially
4.- Motivational.

“Economically, all sectors lose, through soccer they activate themselves and their businesses in the same way with the sale of products and services from each store.
Touristically, since people come with entire family members from different cities for football who, in addition to watching football, get to know many tourist places in the ‘City of First Fruits’.

Commercially, since, due to soccer, many stores, restaurants, transportation, and informal commerce are activated with the sale of their services from each store.

Motivationally, since many children, young people and the general public lose their taste or attraction for the team or players of their choice.

Emotionally, too, since young people, by having a professional team, are motivated to practice the same, both boys, youth and adolescents, and if we talk about women’s soccer it is the same for all girls; In short, the whole city loses in all aspects”.

Alfredo Sánchez, a teacher at the Polytechnic School of Chimborazo, in the area of ​​Physical Education, says that talking about soccer is talking about everything. “The economy, politics, news, new hires, everything, in short, everything, because football is that, a set of everything.”

At the table, at lunchtime, a topic or question about football will always come up, in the corner of the neighborhood, “in the office, in the classroom, in the mechanics, in the carpentry… well… that’s what football is.” , a passion and a day-to-day theme.
So if we start to analyze football, it involves so much that it would be lying to say that my city has not lost anything if the only team that has been playing professional football in Serie ‘A’ and then in ‘B’, Olmedito, as all of us who love him tell him, and today he is in the Second Category ”.

And it is very evident that concern arises: what is the lady with the oranges going to do who used to run to the market to buy the dozens of this exquisite fruit that, in addition to quenching thirst and anxiety, served to launch it onto the pitch? and want to remove a bit of the frustration of a bad arbitration decision.

And now, what will happen to those leathery chips accompanied by a delicious homemade chili that, in the end, ended up being a plate of potatoes with chili? And the morooochiooooo empanadas, crunchy and well prepared; my neighbor from the taxi, who surely had his seven minimum runs only to the stadium taking the buddies ”.

“Someone asked me: how much does it affect not having professional football? And I answer, how much does it favor us?
The hotels, the markets, the laundries, those who sell gas, those who sell water, the carriers, the media, all of us in general are favored by professional football and all of us, in the end, are harmed. if this is no longer

Tourism: now to see those so-called great teams we will have to take a bus, go by private car, and leave our money in our sister city of Ambato. Riobamba and the entire province itself has lost with the decline of our Olmedo Sports Center. It is worth saying what our elders usually say: nobody knows what they have until they lose it. I hope we raise awareness, and show new authorities and all of us, in general, pitch in and look for the return or promotion of a local or provincial team and, thus, the despair of those families who waited anxiously for the weekends to sell something and, by the way, watch football, become a reality again. For this reason, before losing something, we must ask what I have gained by having that and only then will we see the great difference”.

Rufo Tello, a professor at the National University of Chimborazo (Unach) and former leader of the Football Association, recalled that Riobamba has been the scene of international football tournaments in different categories, “but, unfortunately, for different reasons, our city and province, little by little, it has been isolated from participating in professional football: series ‘A’ and ‘B’.
Like the majority of professional teams, perhaps it is due in many cases: to the lack of economic resources, added to bad administrations, meddling in politics, opportunism of certain leaders, among others.
The losses are immense, from the merchant, the businessman, the entrepreneur, the fans and the player himself are the most affected by this painful situation.
Today, people from Riobambeños and Chimboracenses have to go to the small screen to watch soccer from the ‘A’ and ‘B’ series, and they are waiting for the start of the Promotion Tournament.

#lost #professional #football

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