How Much Sugar Is Added To Bread, If you also have the habit of eating white bread for breakfast, then first know the amount of sugar – how much added sugar does a slice of white bread contain – 2024-04-15 13:04:19

by times news cr

2024-04-15 13:04:19

weight may increase

The bread which you consider healthy is actually spoiling your health. The high carb content present in bread not only increases blood sugar but also increases your appetite. Due to which the risk of diabetes and metallic syndrome can increase along with weight. However, nowadays there are many varieties of bread available in the market. Therefore, the nutrient profile of each bread may be different. Like whole wheat bread has high amount of fiber. Whereas beta carotene, vitamin C and E are found in abundance in sprouted grain bread.

Sugar content in bread loaf

According to Mumbai-based consultant clinical dietitian and diabetes educator Pooja Shah Bhave, one bread loaf contains 275 grams of carbs from starch. This is equal to 55 teaspoons of sugar. The entire packet contains approximately 14 slices of bread. On average, a person eats about 4 slices of white bread, so he can easily consume 140 grams of white bread. It contains 84 grams of carbohydrates, of which roughly 7 grams are added sugars and 77 grams of starch, which is equivalent to 15 teaspoons of sugar.

Why is sugar added to bread?

There are many reasons behind adding sugar to bread. Sugar is used to make the yeast rise. This sugar is rich in sucrose, high fructose corn syrup and maltose. Additionally, some bread manufacturers have begun using sugar to enhance flavor and promote browning during baking.

How to find out the amount of sugar in bread

To find out the exact amount of sugar in bread, experts recommend checking the nutrition label. Let us tell you that the ingredients are written in decreasing weight order. So if sugar is written at the top of the list, chances are that extra sugar has been added to the bread. Remember, don’t be confused by bread labeled ‘sugar free’ or ‘reduced sugar’. Flour may contain some amount of natural sugar.

Do’s and Don’ts while buying bread

What to do

– Opt for whole grain bread for breakfast.

– Look for bread that has at least 3 grams of fiber per slice.

– If you are using two slices of bread to make a sandwich, make sure that each slice has less than 100 calories.

– Mix bread with protein to reduce blood sugar and fill the stomach after meals.

what not to do

– Do not make white bread or bread made from white flour a part of your breakfast or snacks.

– Do not eat bread alone without protein, because it can increase blood sugar.

– If multi grain or seven grain is written on the label and the word whole is not used, then it is not whole grain bread.

Experts suggest avoiding white bread as much as possible. Due to being refined, it lacks nutrients. Let us tell you that consuming too much sugar can increase the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes and obesity.

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