How Narcissists Ruin Every Social Event and How to Handle Them

by time news

Headline: Beware of Narcissists: How They Ruin Every Social Event

No matter the occasion, it seems that narcissists always find a way to spoil everyone’s fun. From hijacking conversations to manipulating timetables, here are 9 ways in which narcissists can ruin any social event.


1. Narcissists hijack the conversation: Narcissists have an uncanny ability to ensure that all conversations lead back to them. Their need for attention and constant validation makes them believe that they are the most interesting person in the room.

2. The narcissist makes every celebration about them: Taking a celebration, such as a christening or a birthday, and making it all about themselves is a skill that narcissists have perfected. They feed off attention and need people to reaffirm their supposed greatness.

3. They don’t let anything go: Any perceived slight or grudge becomes a trigger for narcissists. They thrive off confrontation and conflict and will go out of their way to create a scene, causing further tension.

4. They use your vulnerability against you: Sharing your deepest feelings or secrets with a narcissist can easily backfire. They have no qualms about using this information as a weapon to manipulate or control you.

5. Narcissists create conflict: Pitting one person against another gives narcissists a sense of power and entertainment. They are not above telling lies or using confidential information to manipulate those around them.

6. They embrace the victim role: Playing the victim is second nature to a narcissist. They interpret any situation as a personal attack and seek attention and sympathy as a result.

7. They self-medicate into oblivion: Narcissists often turn to alcohol or other substances to cope with their insecurities and pain. They refuse to take responsibility for their actions, blaming external factors for their behavior.

8. Narcissists manipulate the timetable: A narcissist’s disregard for punctuality and their love for making people wait stems from their desire to feel powerful. They will often manipulate event schedules to suit their own needs.

9. They pretend gift-giving is their love language: Narcissists give extravagant gifts to appear generous and receive equal treatment in return. If they don’t receive the same caliber of gifts, they may become angry or vindictive.

When dealing with a narcissist, it is best to avoid inviting them to social events if possible. They not only don’t care about ruining the festivities, but they often hope to do so. Recognizing these patterns of behavior can help mitigate the negative impact they have on social gatherings.

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