«How nice to be nasty. Just to pretend»- time.news

by time news
Of Stefania Ulivi

The French actress among the protagonists of Nicolas Bedos’ comedy «Masquerade. Thieves of love », to be released on December 21, in which she plays a capricious diva

And’capricious actress with a great future behind them. She is the Martha of “Masquerade. Thieves of love” by Nicolas Bedos (in theaters from 21 December with Lucky Red) who assists from splendid isolation of a villa on the French Riviera allo crumbling of his power of seduction while her young gigolo (Pierre Niney) can’t resist the charm of the beautiful climber Margot (Marine Vacht). He plays her one Isabella Adjani self-deprecating and ready to play with her own role as a diva, as she tells al Courier. “Martha is a woman unhappy: her husband left her for a man. She is no longer in the spotlight and this makes her disliked, despite her. It would be enough for her to put things in perspective and she would understand that she is far from in offside. Nicolas feared that I would soften her unpleasantness about her, when it is precisely this that makes her likeable. I concentrated on playing a real bitch, let’s say.”

What does she like about her?

«It is paradoxical, but what convinced me is that I didn’t like it at all. She is too self centered, frustrated, manipulative, far away from me. I had to invent her personality. And I didn’t get bored one bit.”

n «Masquerade», as in «Peter Von Kant» by François Ozon plays a diva. She seems to enjoy playing on people’s image of a star. She also did it in the TV series “Call my agent”.

“Yes, it makes me laugh when people say: ‘You play with your image’. You’re right to ask me if I’m not, instead, playing with the image that people have of me! I’m quite good at self-irony, it comes naturally to me. It’s a great way to communicate.”

You have also played with the dialectic between appearance and disappearance. Because?

“I’ve never played it, actually. What seems like an oddity comes from situations in life that have prevented me from doing so. In fact, I didn’t get to make one film after another as expected of me, I found myself with the responsibility of a patriarch. My parents and brother were sick and needed me for years. I chose family over career. Besides, I was pretty miserable in love: when you’re heartbroken, you don’t want to show it. I say this laughing, but I really hope that the elusiveness of an actress can go hand in hand with something other than pain.

Can a star still be inaccessible?

«The concept of inaccessibility has become obsolete due to social networks. The reward has come from heaven because the audience has not forgotten me despite what I could call “disappearing” episodes and I was always able to happily pick up where I left off.

In fact, he is also in the theater, with «La vertige Marilyn» and on TV, with «Diane de Poitiers».

«Precisely, even if I don’t want to run after time. I feel free to work as much as I want and as much as I feel desired. I have also fulfilled my mission as a mother, my children have grown up, I finally belong only to myself».

What do you think of Metoo?

“What has been happening in the last five years is something we have been waiting for for centuries. I can only speak for myself. I realize that I was in an unconscious relationship of submission regarding certain inappropriate gestures, certain reflections. I speak as a girl who has experienced family abuse, from her father, and as a woman who has suffered a narcissistic perversion, from the side of love affairs. This movement that gives women a voice allows me to deal with it. The idea is obviously not to fire a bazooka and go to war with men. On the contrary, we must get along on a different level, as equals.”

He acted with notoriously difficult directors, such as Zulawski and Truffaut. Does the director try it?

«Working with the greats, of course, also subliminally leads you to think about directing one day. I’ve always preferred to confront the authors on the set about the artistic proposals rather than obeying as an actress of appearance. I love films made by actresses, even if they aren’t always very successful. I feel ready to start directing soon, even if I still have a lot to learn from a technical point of view».

What is your relationship with Italian cinema?

«My film training took place through the Italian cinema of Fellini, Visconti, Pasolini, Bertolucci and then Scola and subsequently Nanni Moretti and Paolo Sorrentino. Italian cinema is great, I never get tired of discovering the talent of the new generation of directors».

Recently, he quoted Antonio Gramsci: «The old world is dying, the new world is slow in appearing and in this chiaroscuro monsters are born». Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future?

“It may sound shocking, but my trust in human beings has deteriorated a lot. I think humanity will never understand anything about humanity. There will always be thinkers, philosophers, poets (thank God) who will find a way to be heard. But they will never get to the heart of things, to the point where ideal values ​​such as peace, compassion and beauty can resist destruction. Today monsters are everywhere. Who are the leaders ready to take charge of peace?

December 18, 2022 (change December 18, 2022 | 07:41)

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