How often do you have to reapply sun cream to maintain protection?

by time news

In addition to the fan, the gazpacho and the ice creams, the sunscreen It is the star product of the summer. It’s hard to go out on the street (or to the beach) and not see people with a boat in their hand or with it already stretched out on their skin. Because the sun is squeezing and a lot. The State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) has estimated that high temperatures will continue to hit Spain for several days, leaving mercury at “unusually high” levels in our country.

Thus, sun protection is essential while this third heat wave of the season lasts. With regular use, it will be easier to prevent damage that can be caused by UVA and UVB rays. Long exposure to the sun can cause burns or premature aging of the skin, but it is also behind major disorders such as skin cancer.

Therefore, many dermatologists advocate avoiding overexposure to solar radiation. “Sunbathing is a very widespread activity in our society and to which the property of being beneficial for health is mistakenly attributed. An idea that is not entirely correct«, Dr. lara valleys, associate head of the Dermatology Service at the General University Hospital of Villalba, in statements collected by Europa Press. In addition, the expert defends the use of creams. “They are fundamental, but we should not think that by applying them we can sunbathe for an unlimited time,” she added.

As the doctor rightly says, it is not enough to pour a couple of drops on your back and think that you are done for the rest of the day. In fact, you have to follow a series of steps before applying it so that its effect is even more

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    Apply it between 15 and 30 minutes before going outside

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    Use a factor appropriate to skin type

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    Spread it well and evenly

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    Protect sensitive areas such as ears, neck, sides and even lips

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    It should be used whenever you are going to be outdoors, not just when you go to the beach. Also on cloudy days and even if it is in the shade it is also convenient to use

Taking into account these methods of use, it only remains to know how often it must be reapplied. Dermatologists say that the ideal interval is every two hours. However, if a person is going to be taking a bath, it is preferable that the cream be given again each time it comes out of the water, because this can make it lose its effectiveness. In the case of sweating a lot, it is also advisable to reduce the times of use of the product.

Under no circumstances should you expect to notice that your skin is burning, as this is a sign that the lotion has long since lost its properties.

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