How Pets Help Mitigate Grief and Loneliness: Results of a Long-Term Study

by time news

2023-12-31 08:36:04
Research Shows Pets Help Seniors Cope with Grief and Loneliness

Pets have long been known to provide companionship and comfort, and now a new study has found that they can have a significant impact on mental health and well-being in the wake of major life changes. According to a long-term study conducted by the Florida State University, pets can help mitigate depressive symptoms and feelings of loneliness in middle-aged and older individuals after a major social loss.

The study, summarized in the magazine “The Gerontologist,” found that the presence, loyalty, and reliability of pets can specifically help in coping with grief. Many pet owners opened up to their animal family members much more easily than they would to another person during difficult times.

The study, which used data from the “Health and Retirement Study” in the USA, also found that pets can minimize the negative effects on mental health as a result of a loss. The research showed a significant difference between people with pets and those without animal family members.

In a separate study by the Animal Bond Research Institute (HABRI), researchers found that caring for a cat from an animal shelter can significantly reduce loneliness in seniors living alone. Volunteers who participated in the study saw a significant decrease in loneliness scores after just four months of caring for cats.

The findings point to a win-win situation for both seniors and shelter cats, with the potential to greatly benefit both groups. Many seniors expressed interest in adopting their foster cats after the study was completed, indicating a strong desire for companionship and a loving bond with a pet.

As the research suggests, programs that facilitate pet adoptions and provide support for seniors to care for animals could be a valuable initiative in helping both seniors and shelter animals. The study highlights the potential for a “cat care program” in Germany, where overcrowded animal shelters and lonely seniors could benefit from such an arrangement.]
#people #animals #benefit

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