how Pôle emploi sets out to conquer recruits for companies

by time news

2023-06-27 14:14:52

Pôle emploi is looking for candidates for companies that are recruiting. The formula has everything of a job offer. In fact, with a historically low unemployment rate in France – 7.1% in mainland France – the labor market in 2023 is no longer the same as it was ten years ago, in the midst of the Greek and European crisis. , when this indicator exceeded 10%. While according to figures from the Ministry of Labor published on Tuesday, June 27, the number of jobseekers remained almost stable in May compared to the previous month (+ 0.2% of registered in category A, i.e. 6,000 more registered ), it is clear that the apprehension felt with regard to these figures is no longer appropriate.

So this time it’s different. “We are still supporting the same two audiences – job seekers and companies – with a reinforcement of our actions towards the latter via new services for them to respond to changes in the labor market. »,relates Catherine Poux, director of business services at Pôle emploi. In fact, according to the latest survey on labor needs (BMO), 31% of companies say they want to hire this year 2023, of which more than 60% anticipate recruitment difficulties.

Business Advisors

This development of the relationship with companies was marked at the end of 2015 by the establishment of advisers dedicated to the relationship with recruiters. Today there are 5,700 of them. This development heralds the current labor shortages in the country, all sectors and all qualifications combined.

This perception has led Pôle emploi to adapt its action with employers. Part of its website is entirely dedicated to services for businesses according to their needs, to advice on writing a job offer, but also to reinforced actions with regard to small businesses, which have no not always a human resources department, due to a lack of resources.

Small Business Needs

« Faced to the evolution of the labor market, companies are increasingly calling on us and understand the need to change their recruitment practices, assures Catherine Poux. We support them in this direction. From helping them write their job offer to mobilizing different levers such as professional immersion, training, etc. »

Business advice also involves information on the positioning of the job offer on the local labor market. « When an employer publishes an advertisement, we offer him comparative data for similar offers – salary level, experience required, type of contract… – to help him position himself and adjust his offer, if necessary”, she points out.

Go off the beaten track

Finally, when we see “a recruitment difficulty linked to a published offer, we systematically contact the employer again to share a diagnosis of the causes of these difficulties and propose solutions to deal with them », describes Catherine Poux.

Other initiatives deployed concern both the recruiter and the candidates. “Among these solutions, we support methods aimed at recruiting differently, it is a question of broadening the sourcing of candidatesgoing beyond the strict framework of the CV and cover letter”, describes Catherine Poux.

The stage towards employment

To do this, the agents regularly organize operations that go off the beaten track, such as the employment stadium. The principle: organize the meeting between recruiters and job seekers around sports activities in the morning, a meal at noon, followed by a “job dating”, namely a meeting between companies and candidates for a first making contact.

To participate, job seekers do not need any prerequisites, diplomas or qualifications. A way to change the perspective of recruiters, who are too often guided by the search for the recruit who holds the diploma corresponding strictly to their needs.

Organize the meeting

Another initiative, pop-up restaurants, which aim to put job seekers in a concrete situation by having them experience a lunch service (in the kitchen, or in the dining room, etc.) in a restaurant whose customers are employers in the sector, wishing to recruit. Older, the method of recruitment by simulation (MRS) also aims to go beyond the usual framework of recruitment and to identify the skills necessary for the exercise of a particular trade.

“All these operations constitute services for recruiters, but also for candidates, assures Catherine Poux. These are simply new ways of organizing a meeting between job seekers and companies. »

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