How Polish scientific development can harm Belarusians

by time news

2023-09-23 11:00:00

Yes, Poland has developed a method that allows you to find out whether a woman had a medical abortion. The New York Times writes that it is already being used by the prosecutor’s office.

It used to be possible to ignore the fact that science has no political or geographical boundaries and that the scientific achievements of one country can be used against women anywhere else. It would be short-sighted, but you could say “well, it’s a different country, they have their own rules and ideas about good and evil.” But this catastrophe can already knock on the door of thousands of Belarusian women forced to move to Poland after 2020.

Later, she will probably be able to come anywhere – I have no illusions about how quickly even supposedly progressive countries can pass laws that make life difficult for women. For while for some the USA remains a country of dreams, for others it is a place of disaster, in which an embryo is more important than an adult woman. And in certain states, women are mass-deleting apps that used to track their menstrual cycle from their smartphones. They also have no illusions about how far the state can go in trying to control women’s lives and decisions.

And what can we say about Belarus, where the official policy is “sometimes against the law”! Even before its announcement, women began to be forced to undergo so-called pre-abortion counseling, the purpose of which was and is to dissuade a woman from terminating a pregnancy. And there is at least one city without abortions in Belarus for a long time – in Lagoisk, all doctors with appropriate qualifications refuse to perform this procedure, and the law allows them to do so. How quickly do you think that in Belarus, if there is political will, they can develop a new law according to which abortion will be a crime?

And it will even be (pseudo)scientifically substantiated, as they now say in Poland that medical abortion at home is dangerous for a woman. People who have been helping women with these medications for years disagree. But not that they were listened to.

After all, it is necessary to understand that the methodology that allows determining whether a woman terminated a pregnancy on purpose has nothing in common with taking care of women. This is the only and only way to control our lives even more.

And how sad it is to see how both state and scientific resources are spent on making our lives worse. If the scientists who developed the new method really cared about the health and well-being of women, they would lobby to repeal the ban on abortion. But no, they came up with a new way to control us.

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#Polish #scientific #development #harm #Belarusians

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