How RTL sweetens the return of Dieter Bohlen: podcast

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How RTL talks the return of Dieter Bohlen

The The

The “Media Week” is a podcast about the world of media and its makers

Source: world

Dieter Bohlen can sit on the jury again for “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”. Because it doesn’t work without him. RTL had separated from Bohlen in order to send “positive entertainment”. Also in the media podcast: the felt allegations against RBB director Patricia Schlesinger.

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Is the Ballermann hit “Layla”, which should no longer be played at various folk festivals because the text is sexist, about “positive entertainment”? In the case of the private broadcaster RTL, which has adopted this motto, the question would certainly be answered in the negative, although the extremely simple song apparently gives many people a lot of pleasure.

The “pop titan” Dieter Bohlen, on the other hand, from whom RTL had separated because his rough style no longer suited the new station image, is now welcome again. According to RTL, planks have changed – and times have always been good. True: Bohlen was the head of the jury for the casting show “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” for 18 years. Without him, the 19th season with Florian Silbereisen went rather badly than right.

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opinion Return of the pop titan

Now Bohlen is coming back in the 20th year of the show – and is then allowed to bury her, because after that it’s over. A, positively formulated, quite pragmatic solution to boost the quotas again. Why Bohlen, who is known for his derogatory comments about candidates, is now involved again may have economic reasons alone, but is (poorly) disguised with all sorts of phrases. However, the truth is that Bohlen is loved by his fans for these comments.

The current events at RBB are a little more complex to explain. The ARD.-Anstalt and with it especially director Patricia Schlesinger are massively criticized. Because research by “Business Insider” (like WELT belongs to Axel Springer) has shown that compliance rules may have been violated. In addition to Schlesinger, Wolf-Dieter Wolf, head of the RBB board of directors, is under pressure. It has just become known that he is leaving his post until the allegations are cleared up. In the podcast we talk about the allegations.

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To wrap up this issue of Media Week, let’s revisit Elon Musk’s plans to take over Twitter. Musk no longer wants it, but Twitter wants it very much, because the takeover price promised by Musk is extremely attractive because the share prices have meanwhile fallen. A court must now decide how to proceed.

The “Media Week” is a podcast about the world of media and its makers. Christian Meier, editor at WELT, and Stefan Winterbauer, editor-in-chief of the industry service Meedia, talk about the most important topics of the week every Friday. Background, analytical, entertaining.

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