How Soap Use Affects Mosquito Bites: Study Results and Prevention Tips

by time news

2023-05-12 12:22:32

Research results on mosquito bites and soap use The study, published in the journal iScience, looked at four of the top-selling soaps in the United States, Dial, Dove, Native and Simple Truth, among four people when they weren’t showering and found that each emitted a unique scent. which attract different mosquitoes

But when they brought the clothes of all 4 people to wash with each brand of soap Then put it to dry to see which scents mosquitoes like. The team found that the scents on the soaps changed their individual scents, which were highly attractive to mosquitoes. Most of the scents are floral and fruity, except for Native, which repels mosquitoes.

“The way we put those floral and fruity scents on our bodies. It means that we are now objects that smell like people and flowers at the same time,” said Clément Vinauger, lead author of the study at Virginia Polytechnic Institute.

However, the effects of soap vary due to complex factors in the interaction between the soap and its characteristic scent. The research team stressed that further studies are needed.

As we all know, mosquitoes look for the human body through exhaled carbon dioxide, dark clothing colors, or volatile compounds produced by our metabolism or the microbes on our skin. such as carboxylic acid and lactic acid in the body

And only female mosquitoes feed on blood to fertilize the eggs. But when they don’t lay eggs Instead, they look for nectar in the flowers. So making our bodies smell like flowers might confuse them. and aiming for humans instead of flowers

So how can we avoid mosquitoes because we all have to shower every day? Research suggests avoiding soaps and body washes that smell like flowers. And try to use scents such as citronella, lemon or eucalyptus. It seems to work the most.

“These have been scientifically proven to repel mosquitoes in many countries,” explains Vinugur. Can also be used as a mosquito repellent spray or cleaning wipes with herbal scents to repel those mosquitoes. which can protect for hours

Wearing long sleeves and long pants helps to some extent. And should not wear dark shades of clothing. It might be a lighter shade. ‘Turn off the lights from the wind’, that is, eliminate water sources that allow mosquitoes to lay eggs around homes and workplaces. in places where larvae may be present

“Mosquitoes need still water to lay their eggs. So be sure to limit the water trapped around it,” said Louisa Messenger, an expert in tropical infectious disease control.

“You should cover items that can hold water, such as old tires, plastic buckets, or plant pots. and always keep the pool clean.”

Searched and edited by Vitit Borompichaichatkul
* Updated the word from bar soap to soap to cover more meanings on 12 May ’23 at 3:49 p.m.


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