How the results of the legislative elections will affect the finances of political parties

by time news

In addition to the political earthquake they triggered, the legislative elections held on June 12 and 19 will have direct consequences on the finances of the political parties that took part. For some, the results are a breath of fresh air, even a breath of fresh air, like the National Rally (RN). For others, starting with the Macronist party, La République en Marche (LRM), it will be necessary to reduce the sails, even if it remains the first beneficiary of public aid.

Legislative elections are in fact one of the key elements on the basis of which the amount of public aid allocated by the State is calculated and distributed each year, for the duration of the legislature, between the political parties and groups. Thus, in 2022, 66,155,337 euros were allocated to beneficiary training. This public aid is divided into two fractions.

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The first fraction is granted according to the number of votes obtained in the first round of the legislative elections by each formation. Provided, however, that they presented candidates who obtained at least 1% of the votes in at least 50 constituencies. Attention, subtlety: in the overseas departments and communities, it is enough to obtain 1% of the votes in a constituency to benefit from it. In 2022, the distribution of public aid resulted in a vote collected bringing in 1.64 euros to the beneficiary formations.

However, the law of 6 June 2000 aimed at promoting equal access of women and men to electoral mandates provides for a financial penalty for parties that have not respected the principle of parity in the designation of their candidates. If the difference between the number of candidates of each sex exceeds 2% of the total number, the amount of the first fraction will be reduced by a percentage equal to half of this difference. This is called “modulation”. In 2022, the amount of aid allocated to parties under this first fraction, after modulation, amounted to 32,081,868 euros.

Different organizations

The second fraction depends on the number of parliamentarians – deputies and senators – declaring at the end of each year that they are attached to such and such a party or political group. The condition for being able to benefit from it is to have been able to access the first. Thus, a party having elected members but not fulfilling the criteria of the first fraction will prefer to attach its parliamentarians to another party or political group, or even to an overseas formation, for which access to the first fraction is facilitated. , subject to an agreement for repayment of this public aid. It’s happened before and it will probably happen again. In 2022, each parliamentarian brought in 37,402 euros, for a total amount under this second fraction of 34,073,519 euros.

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