how they face and prevent each other-

by time news
from Silvia Turin

Very often people with injuries are not followed at home by the National Health Service and patients do not use anti-bedsore systems that exist. The Nursing Association for the Study of Skin Lesions provides clear and explanatory materials for treatment and prevention

Pressure or bedsores (sores) are a very common but potentially preventable condition in populations at risk such as the elderly and those forced into fixed positions (in bed or chair), or forced to the continuous pressure exerted by some medical devices (nasogastric tube, respirators, oxygen goggles).

An underestimated problem

The presence of pressure ulcers often causes a poor prognosis that is associated with increased morbidity and mortality. In recent decades, the progressive aging of the population and the consequential increase in frail subjects has determined an increase in terms of incidence and prevalence of these injuries, even if a real estimate of the phenomenon is difficult: in acute wards the incidence can vary from 0 , 4 to 38%, in nursing homes (RSA) from 2.2 to 23.9%, while in home care from 0 to 17%.

Association for the study of injuries

Much can be done, however, especially in the field of prevention and information for citizens. AISLeC the Nursing Association, an interdisciplinary, non-profit non-profit association, dedicated to the study and research of skin lesions of different etiology. Present since 1993 on the national territory, AISLeC was recognized as a scientific society by the ministry of health in 2017. engaged in the promotion of clinical practice, at the service of health professionals, institutions and citizens for the knowledge, development and organization of activities in the field of skin wound care. As part of these activities, the Association has compiled brochures to download to raise awareness among citizens, caregivers and family members on the need for prevention.
The materials, available on the AISLeC website, in the form of videos (
WHO the Association’s YouTube channel) or brochures, explain in simple language what pressure ulcers are, the importance of maintaining Clean Moisturized and Protected Skin (PePIP, the acronym / slogan) and other steps to be known and implemented , which are essential to prevent the problem of pressure sores.

How they are formed and discovered

Bedsores are linked to prolonged immobility. The static position causes increased pressure on the tissues, which can, in turn, compromise local blood flow, causing blockage of the vessels, coagulation and death of the tissue (necrosis). The frictional forces on the support areas (rubbing, dragging and stretching of the epidermis that occur when moving and lifting the bedridden patient) can also contribute to the development of skin lesions. Diagnosis of pressure ulcers is based on careful observation of the skin. Based on the appearance and severity of the bedsores, four stages can be distinguished:
– reddened skin at the point of pressure between the body and the solid surface on which it rests.
A blister forms and then a small ulcer. The surrounding area appears red.
-The ulcer expands in width and depth, forming the so-called crater, with damage to the subcutaneous tissues.
-The ulcer worsens to involve muscles and bones and, sometimes, tendons and joints.

Important precautions

The main measures to be implemented when the patient is confined to bed or in a wheelchair for long periods are:
– Inspect the skin every day, evaluating any redness.
– Ensure adequate skin hygiene, using delicate, low-foaming and non-perfumed cleansers, which respect the hydrolipidic film and the degree of hydration of the epidermis.
– After washing, dry the skin very well, to avoid maceration and prevent any mycosis.
– In cases of incontinence, protect the epidermis with zinc oxide-based pastes.
– In the bed, change position at least every two hours, in the wheelchair every 15-20 minutes to alternate the areas subjected to compression and to minimize the time in which the subject lies on the area already red or injured.
– Use anti-decubitus aids such as mattresses to reduce pressure on the skin.
– Promote proper nutrition and hydration.

What the Lea’s predict

With the DPCM on the updating of the essential levels of assistance (Lea), in force since March 2017, the outpatient service code was introduced to identify the skin lesion. The family doctor can write the code on the prescription and the patient goes to the dedicated public clinic. In the Lea, moreover, there are several types of advanced dressings and can be prescribed based on the severity of the lesion (no longer within the limit of 10 bandages per month).

December 10, 2021 (change December 10, 2021 | 11:04 am)

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