How to avoid mosquito bites: what attracts them and how to repel them

by time news

2023-06-30 09:10:36


Updated Friday, June 30, 2023 – 09:10

Only female mosquitoes bite because they need blood to reproduce and not to feed. Several factors lead them to choose their victim and each species has its own preferences.

A tiger mosquito.EMTricks Mosquitoes: Natural repellents and home remedies to scare away and soothe the bite of these insects Saturated nurse Everything you need to know about mosquitoes and their repellents

With the arrival of summerhave also reappeared mosquitos. This insect is not only annoying, but also dangerous because it can transmit many diseases. There are some 3,500 different species of mosquitoes in the world: the most common in the Mediterranean basin are the common mosquito (Culex pipiens), which transmits Nile fever, and the tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus), which can transmit malaria, yellow fever, chikungunya, dengue and the Zika virus.

Sign the world health organization, mosquitoes cause more than 700,000 deaths a year worldwide. According to the latest data from the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), we can expect more cases and more deaths from diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and West Nile fever in Europe in the coming years. In 2022, 1,133 human cases and 92 deaths from West Nile virus infection were reported in the EU.

What attracts mosquitoes

Only the female mosquitoes because they need blood to reproduce and not to feed themselves. Several factors lead them to choose their victim and each species has its own preferences. The mosquitos detect carbon dioxide that their prey emits and this, together with the individual’s body temperature and smell, is a clue to choose their next victim.

However, it is the sweat that makes the mosquito choose one or the other prey to suck its blood. When we sweat, we give off chemicals like lactic acid or octanol that attract these insects. These compounds, however, vary from person to person, so some individuals are more attractive than others (pregnant women tend to suffer more from their bites). According to a study published in ‘Cell’, it is the acid smell of the skin that acts as a magnet for mosquitoes. However, it is genetics that largely influences the individual’s scent.

In some species, it has been seen that the color of clothes influences in the choice of the mosquito. It seems that the tiger mosquito is particularly attracted to color negroHence, it is advisable to wear light-colored clothing, which also protects from heat in hot weather. “Mosquitoes are also attracted to tight clothing,” María José Ruiz, a researcher at the Doana Biological Station (EBD), explained to El País.

The smell of food… and beer

There are some foods and drinks that attract mosquitoes. This is the case, for example, of the banana, whose smell is a strong attraction for these insects, but also of beer. A study published in 2010 found that humans are more attractive to mosquitoes after they have consumed beer. In general, alcohol causes an increase in body temperature and the consequent sweating that mosquitoes like so much. However, the study did not observe an increase in mosquito bites after drinking water. The limitation of this type of research is the fact that it is carried out on a single type of mosquito and cannot be generalized because each species of insect behaves differently and has different “tastes”.

A study published in ‘Nature’ has also discovered that a compound of the deodorants (isopropyl tetradecanoate) repels mosquitoes and prevents them from landing on the deodorant-covered surface. A 56% decrease in the number of mosquito “landings” has been observed. Putting on deodorant containing these compounds before exercising may be a good deterrent, as mosquitoes have been known for years to be more attracted to people who are sweaty.

False myths: garlic and vitamin B

some people eat SHE and take vitamin B supplements As a home remedy to repel mosquitoes. However, there does not appear to be any scientific support for these options. In a 2005 study, participants were exposed to mosquitoes after consuming garlic or a placebo. There was no evidence that garlic repelled mosquito bites. Another study also found that B vitamin supplements did not influence mosquito choices.

The different types of repellents

Deet (diethyltoluamide) is one chemical substance which is found in many insect repellents and can be used on bare skin. It is a substance invented by the US military during the Second World War. It doesn’t smell good (neither to us nor to mosquitoes), it’s a little oily but it offers longer protection against mosquito bites than other repellents. It does not kill mosquitoes, but it does discourage them from biting. Repellents with other active ingredients, such as citrodiol and icaridin, are also common. Experts agree that the best way to keep mosquitoes away is to use a good repellent and follow label directions exactly.

If you don’t like applying the repellent directly to your skin, you can spray your clothing with a insecticide such as permethrin, a method used by the military. It is an effective way to prevent mosquitoes from biting the skin covered by treated clothing. You have to spray the clothes evenly without soaking them and let them dry. The effect lasts for about a month if clothes are not washed and diminishes with each wash.

They accumulate in stagnant water

When a mosquito bites at home, it is very likely that it was born in it or in a neighbor’s house. these insects they need water to lay their eggs and develop, so it is advisable to check any container in which they can accumulate, such as flower pots, air conditioning drains, bird baths or standing water in sinks.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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