How to be a champion sports blogger

by time news

If you are looking to create a blog, the chances are you already know you will be joining a crowded marketplace. There’s a blog on just about every subject matter now, sometimes thousands of them. So, how do you stand out from the crowd and get your writing skills noticed and your opinions heard? It’s not easy, but it is possible.

Whether you are starting a blog on cooking, fashion, fitness, DIY or reviewing the leading sports betting sites, this article contains some expert advice to get you started and ensure you hit the ground running. Having a blog is nice. Sharing your opinions with a few loyal readers is satisfying, but would you be happy with being just another face in the crowd? Are you coming in to take part or take over?

Deciding the role you want to play in the blogging arena is important and having a clear path of where you are starting from, but what you aim to achieve will help you reach your goals quicker. Read on to find out how you can become a champion sports blogger, combining your passion for sports with your flair for writing.

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The planning stage is the most important. You have decided you want to start blogging about sports, but you will be joining, perhaps, the most popular topic. Fans from across the globe love to write and speak about their favourite sports. Most of the blogs aren’t up to much, becoming nothing more than opinion pieces and badly researched articles on the latest results or team news. These types of blogs receive very little interest in the grand scheme of things, pulling in a few hundred readers every month. There’s just too many of them. Readers see these sports blogs and instantly think, not another one.

To stand out in blogging, as in any industry, you must be prepared to do things a little differently. Pick a niche and stick hard to it. If you want to talk about the most recent football scores, you are going to struggle for any interest, even if you produce the most professional and exciting blog. Go for a tighter niche, however, and you’ll stand out a lot easier. Try to do something not many other people can do and then try to do it better than those already covering your subject. For a sports fan, a niche could be formations, stats, inside information on club news or betting.

Sports betting is a good call as it allows you to combine opinion with facts, stats and interviews to come up with predictions. There is no shortage of sports predictions blogs, of course, but with this type of writing, the more success you have, the more interest you’ll attract. Results speak louder than words, and news travels fast of a new blog that is free to read but making readers cash from betting.

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Now that you have decided on your subject and chosen a niche market, it’s time to get publishing, sending your work of art out to the wide world. It’s important to make sure your blog is exactly how you want it before you go live. Too many writers rush this stage, eager to publish, and often they go too early. First impressions are important in blogging, and if you send your work out to be read and judged before it’s up to scratch, the chances are it will be judged harshly by the sea of online critics. These readers love to criticise new blogs and stamp them out before they catch fire.

We make no apologies for repeating ourselves – don’t rush it. Be a perfectionist, not just with your writing and editing but with the appearance of the blog, how user-friendly it is and how easy your page is to interact with. Be your harshest critic and leave no gaps in your defence for the critics to sneak through.


When you have your blog exactly the way you want it now, you can publish and begin to promote it. The best form of promotion is through social media. It’s effective, and it’s free. Share a link to your blog on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and all other popular sites.

Cast your net far and wide to make as many people aware of your launch as possible. Find pages and groups for people with an interest in your chosen subject, then share your link in there too. There’s no such thing as too much promotion, especially when starting.

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