How To Become Successful Explains Sadhguru, Sadhguru explains why success comes to one person and not to another, a skill that decides – sadhguru tells why success comes to one person and not to another explains one major reason – 2024-07-30 17:46:49

by times news cr

2024-07-30 17:46:49
Success is a word that every person wants to make a part of his life. For this, everyone works hard in their own way. Some people dream of achieving a big position in a company, while others dream of starting their own business. Everyone works hard for this. Still, it is common to see that while one person succeeds in achieving success, the other faces failure.

There can be many reasons behind this situation, but Sadhguru explained one main reason in detail. This is the reason that generally no person ever pays attention to. And the result is that he lags far behind in achieving his goal. (Photo courtesy: Facebook@sadhguru)

What did Sadhguru say?

In one of his videos, Sadhguru said, “Why does one person get success and not the other? The most important thing for success is to build inner competence.”

There is education to acquire business competence and anyone can acquire it and become capable. But how you handle yourself internally in every situation, how happy you feel from within, no degree can teach this.

People start liking you

Sadhguru further explains the importance of this inner competence in the path of success and says, ‘When inner competence is good, you feel good from within and it is reflected outside as well. This inner feeling helps you to be happy among others as well, due to which people are attracted to you. When they feel good, they show interest in working with you.’

So what is its benefit?

The more people who show interest in working with you because of your skills and the sense of inner happiness and worth, the bigger your circle will be and the more options will open up for you.

This means that you will have your own skills and along with that, a group of manpower and connections will be formed on the basis of which you can reach your goal and get success.

Restrictions start breaking, we become the best version of ourselves

Talking about this in another video, Sadhguru had explained that if one works on inner competence, then gradually the self-imposed restrictions start breaking down every day. A person is able to improve his skills many times more.

For him it doesn’t matter what someone else is doing. Instead, he takes himself to such a level that others start taking inspiration from him. And such people achieve success.

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