How to care for a Moses cradle so it blooms all year long and lasts a lifetime

by time news

The cradle of moses is one of the favorite plants to give a touch of life to our spaces. So that it lasts long, we tell you how to care for a Moses cradle so that it blooms all year long and lasts a lifetime.

if there is one planta that is never lacking in our homes, without a doubt, that is the moses cradlealso known as peace lily or spatiphyllits resemblance to the tulips turns her into a elegant and very chic species to highlight the beauty of house spaces. Is perennialis characterized by its large leaves from 12 to 65 cm long by 3 cm wide.

Besides, the Moses cradle does bloomtheir shoots they are beautiful white flowers who tend to live much longer than the duration of the flowers of other species Because they don’t wither as fast.

How to care for a Moses cradle so that it blooms all year long and lasts a lifetime/ Photo: iStock

Where to put a Moses cradle?

The cradle of moses It is an excellent plant for grow indoors, because it stands out for requiring little care. In fact, they tend to do best in shady or partly shaded locations, although like most plants, they require light to stay healthy.

Gardening experts explain that it is best to keep this plant at a room temperature of 20 to 23°C, never less than 18°C, so if you have them on a balcony, it will be better to put them in winter.

Finally, another point in favor of this plant, native to the tropical forests of South America, is that it can be grown in water. In these cases, it is very important to keep the water clean and change it at least once a week.

How to care for a Moses cradle so that it blooms all year long and lasts a lifetime/ Photo: iStock

When does the cradle of Moses bloom?

One of the most striking features of the cradle of mosesare their white flowers that resemble a calla lily. In general, it is referred to as blooming from March to September, however, it is possible that it blooms all year round and maintains the flower for longer.

The site specialized in plants, Info Jardinería, points out that, precisely, this plant can flower more than once a year, without the need for special tricks to do so. Although of course, maintaining its basic care will be essential for it to flourish and live long.

How to take care of a Moses cradle so that it flourishes and lasts a long time?

Although the care of the cradle of Moses They are not very complicated, it is important to take into account key elements, such as irrigation and lighting, as well as when it needs to be transplanted. Follow these basic care to ensure the survival and beauty of your plants.

Why do the leaves of the Cradle of Moses turn yellow?

Despite being a shady and indoor plant, the cradle of Moses needs a lot of indirect lighting, that is, place it in a room where it has light, but without the sun’s rays reaching it, otherwise its leaves could burn and get dark. cafes.

Lack of light will not cause this plant to die, however it is less likely to flower.

How to care for a Moses cradle so that it blooms all year long and lasts a lifetime/ Photo: iStock

How many times a week is a Moses cradle watered?

The cradle of moses It is a beautiful plant that loves water, therefore, the ideal is that you water it every two or three times a week in climates warm, during the winter, it is best that it be once or twice a week. Remember that in the coldest months of the year plants tend to store moisture, if If you overwater, you could encourage the roots of your plant to rot.

Need for irrigation of the cradle of Moses

Watering is one of the most common mistakes when caring for an indoor plant, in the case of the Moses Cradle, it is necessary that it always have a good humidity. However, keep in mind that watering needs change with the season.

What do I do if my Moses cradle is down?

In the hot season, such as spring, it is necessary to water it abundantly, taking care that the earth remains moist all the time, but not flooded. In contrast, with the arrival of the cold, the risks must be reduced, giving it a “drink” only when the earth is dry.

How to make the cradle of Moses grow

Fertilizing allows us to give our plants the nutrients they need to stay beautiful and flourish. Ideally, fertilize Moses’ cradle in early spring or summer, when it needs the most nutrients.

Just be careful, avoid overdoing the fertilization, not by putting more it will have more flowers or it will look more abundant. Choose a plant fertilizer from a nursery or use one of these natural fertilizers.

How to care for a Moses cradle so that it blooms all year long and lasts a lifetime/ Photo: iStock

What is the best compost for a Moses cradle?

It is best to fertilize it with organic fertilizer that provides the necessary nutrients for indoor plants, especially iron to prevent its beautiful leaves from turning yellow. Apply it once a month so that it fills with beautiful flowers and maintains its vivid color.

When to transplant a Moses cradle

Most of us don’t know that transplanting our plants is necessary for them to grow healthy and flourish, however it is. In the case of the espatifilo, it is recommended to do it every two years, preferably in spring.

It is even possible to take advantage of the transplant to propagate the plants, separating 3 or more leaves, taking care not to damage their roots and planting them in a new pot. Remember that each pot must be of an adequate size and with good drainage.

Finally, it is necessary clean the sheets from the cradle of Moses, to prevent their stomata from being clogged and this affecting their photosynthesis, likewise, remember to prune the leaves when they are yellow or brown, as this indicates the end of their life cycle… And protect it from pests with a natural or other chemical insecticide.

How to care for a Moses cradle so that it blooms all year long and lasts a lifetime/ Photo: iStock

What benefits does a Moses cradle have?

One of the benefits of the cradle of moses is that it improves the air humiditysince the regular spraying of its leaves with water can help to increase the humidity of the air, especially in very dry environments, on the other hand, it also purifies the air by removing the carbon dioxide and other polluting agents.

Now yes, follow these tips to take care of your moses cradle and help it bloom all year long and last a lifetime. Of course, remember that this plant can be toxic when ingested, due to its oxalate content.

Therefore, keep it away from small children and pets. In case of ingestion, consult a doctor or veterinarian.

With information from Marisela Valencia Tapia

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