How to care for and clean bags so that they last for years: 3 infallible tricks

by time news

take care of bags It is essential for them to last us many years, they are one of the accessories with more power to enhance our entire outfit and make us look spectacular. In addition to being an inseparable travel companion, it reveals our tastes and Lifestyle. Discover how to care for and clean bags to last for years with 3 tricks.

Most women have more than one pocket to get us out of trouble on any occasion, be it a clutch or over, bandolera, bag-like pocket, bucket bag, briefcase pocket, or shopper tote and even the famous ‘barney bag’. Yes, the one that fits everything and you take it everywhere, the problem is that if we don’t take care of it, no matter how resistant it is, it will end up being damaged.

What material is more resistant in bags?

The bags resistance depends on several factors, but in terms of material, the synthetic skin which imitates the appearance of leather, is a very noble and durable material, capable of being kept in good condition for up to 10 years, describes an article published by the Department of Fashion Merchandise Design del Dankook University in Corea.

As take care and clean bags so that they last for years with 3 tricks/ Photo: iStock

Although yes, he leather is one of the best materials for handbags because of its strength and durability, it can withstand daily use. However, the leather bags They tend to be more expensive both for the material and for the build quality.

On the other hand, the synthetic skin it is easy to keep clean compared to other materials. Plus, it costs 25 percent less than leather, doesn’t fade or crack as quickly, and is resistant to Bacterial growth.

How are bags best preserved?

If you like keep your bags better to prolong their useful life, the best thing you can do for them is clean them regularly to remove dirt, worse is also important know how to store them y don’t overload them Too much for avoid damaging the handles and seams.

As take care and clean bags so that they last for years with 3 tricks/ Photo: iStock

How to take care of bags so that they last for years?

And good bag does not mean that it should be expensive or brand name, but that it is the perfect accessory to combine with different garments, provide variety and highlight our look without making it look careless. Stick with these tips to keep your bags like new even if they already have a couple of years with you.

Store your bags in a case

Los good quality handbagsthey usually come with a cover when you buy them, but if this is not the case, don’t worry, you can make some satin or cotton covers To keep them in perfect condition, store them there when you’re not using them for prevent dust and prolong its useful life.

As take care and clean bags so that they last for years with 3 tricks/ Photo: iStock

Fill your bags with onion paper

If you do not plan to use it for a long time, the ideal is fill the bags with onion paper so they don’t warp. I do not recommend using magazine or newspaper paper because the ink could stain the inside of your beautiful bag.

never stack your bags

If you stack them with other bags, you will only encourage them to lose their shape. The best thing you can do is organize them in your closet, on a shelf or shelf so that they retain their original shape.

As take care and clean bags so that they last for years with 3 tricks/ Photo: iStock

Take care of your bags from the rain

spray your bag with a water repellent spray protectant to protect it from the rain or any liquid that we can accidentally spill, I assure you that it will look like it was recently bought, in case it gets wet, just dry it with a cotton cloth. Do not even think about using the dryer because you will damage it.

For clean them and maintain your bags like new clean the entire surface with a damp towel without rubbing too hard, once it has dried, moisturize if your bags are leather, be sure to do it once or twice a year so that the material does not get damaged or crack, you can use the classic Nivea cream.

As take care and clean bags so that they last for years with 3 tricks/ Photo: iStock

When dry, your bag will be much softer and dirt-free, perfect to enhance your entire outfit and make it last a long time in perfect condition. now that you know how to clean and care for your bags, Do not wait any longer to have them as new.

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