how to check your registration on the electoral lists

by time news

2024-04-17 04:00:12

While the political battle for the European elections is underway, there are still a few days left to take the necessary steps to verify or register on the electoral lists to be able to vote on June 9 in mainland France – the election will be held the day before in certain overseas territories and for certain French people living abroad.

The deadline set by the government to register on the electoral lists of your municipality is May 1, if you complete your procedures online, and May 3, if you do it at the town hall or consulate, with a few exceptions. How to check your registration? What to do if you are “wrongly registered”? In what cases can the registration deadline be longer? We’ll explain it to you.

• Who can vote in the European elections?

In France, as for any other election, it is necessary to have French nationality, not to have been deprived by the courts of one’s civil and political rights and to be of legal age to be able to vote in the European elections.

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Special feature of the ballot, European citizens residing in a Member State other than their own can participate in the election of representatives to the European Parliament in the latter, as provided for in Article 22.2 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.

European citizens residing in France can therefore vote on June 9 if they are of age, enjoy their civil rights and are registered on a complementary electoral list of their municipality of residence. If they choose to vote in France, they will not be able to vote in their country of origin, and vice versa. The same goes for French citizens residing in another member country.

• How to check your registration on the electoral lists?

You can check that you are registered in your municipality of residence by two means: by contacting the relevant services at your town hall, or by carrying out an online procedure, which can be completed in just a few minutes. For several years, the government has set up a site allowingquestion your electoral situation – it is accessible to everyone, except voters in New Caledonia, for whom another site is dedicated and for whom the registration deadline to take part in the European ballot has already passed.

Once on the site, simply enter your last name, first name, gender, date of birth and voting municipality (the last municipality in which you were registered, if you have moved) to consult your national voter number and download your certificate of registration on the electoral lists. This process also allows you to check that you are actually registered where you think you are: if this is not the case, you are one of the so-called “misregistered” voters.

Voters who have just turned 18 are normally automatically registered on the electoral list of the municipality where they were registered, if they completed their compulsory registration at the age of 16. Those who reach the age of majority between the deadline for registration on the lists and the day before the vote will therefore be automatically registered and will be able to vote.

• What to do if you are “wrongly registered”?

Students still registered at their parents’ address, forgetting to register on the lists of your new municipality after moving… “In 2022, 7.7 million people, or 16.5% of French people aged 18 or over registered on the electoral lists for the presidential election, were in a municipality different from that of their main residence”, according to the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee). These are what we call “misregistered” voters..

If this is your case, the site offers an electoral list change service directly online. The process only takes a few minutes: you will need to provide proof of identity and proof of address. You can also do this by going to the town hall of your municipality of residence or by sending a request by mail.

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The deadline to register online in your municipality of residence on time is Wednesday, May 1, and until Friday, May 3 by paper form at the town hall, or at the consulate for French people abroad.

• In what cases is the registration deadline extended?

Several exceptions to the registration deadline exist: for young people aged 18 without a citizen census who will become adults between May 4 and June 8; in certain cases of recent moves; in the event of recent acquisition of French nationality or recently regained voting rights. In these cases, registration is possible until May 29 or 30. To find out if you find yourself in one of these situations you can go to

• You cannot vote on election day, what should you do?

Giving a proxy allows a voter to be represented by another proxy if they are unable to vote on election day. The use of this system has been constantly increasing since its creation in 1975, in particular due to the simplification of administrative procedures. “In 2022, nearly 3.3 million voters have established a proxy for at least one of the rounds of the presidential or legislative elections, or 6.7% of registered voters”dont “seven times out of ten” after an online process, underlines INSEE.

In the case of the 2024 European elections, even if no deadline has been set at the moment by the Ministry of the Interior, you can already submit a proxy in the event of absence on the day of the election. The process can be carried out online on the site Procurementor physically, by going “in a police station (wherever it is), a gendarmerie (wherever it is), a judicial court (on which your home or place of work depends) or a place open to the public (defined by the prefect)” to complete the form and have your identity validated, is it recalled on

While, during the last elections, voters who made a proxy request online still had to go to one of the places mentioned to have their identity validated, a decree taken on December 29, 2023 by the government allows the total dematerialization of the proxy process for the first time during the 2024 European elections.

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