How to choose a laptop that suits my needs?

by time news

13:29 16.02.2023
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Need a laptop? Using the five guidelines, you can choose a laptop that will be perfect for your needs

1. Focus on the right computer family

It is not necessary to check all the existing computers, as it is easy to get lost in the background of the selection and all the possibilities of the new models. So, first of all, set a suitable budget and use the following rule. The rule is to focus on the family of computers that will meet your main current needs. For example, if you need work computers, there is no point in looking at gaming computers. If you need diverse applications and you are looking for an affordable price in relation to performance, mobile computers i7 can be a great choice. If you are looking for a computer for travel, focus on light and compact computers.

2. Types of processors and RAM memory

My processor i3 are now considered relatively weak and their popularity is declining. At reasonable prices, it is now possible to obtain more powerful processors for mobile computers. Intel processors or AMD They are the preferred choice of many people, but you should also pay attention to the RAM memory (RAM). Memory, no less than the processor, has the effect on the speed of work and the quality of performance. The memory levels exist in a fairly wide range from 4 GB to 8 GB. For basic applications a basic memory level can be a reasonable choice. When heavier applications are required, it is recommended to invest in a computer with more memory.

Image: pixabay

3. Resolution and graphics

Laptops can be suitable for applications such as surfing the Internet, studying, working, programming, editing and more. For some applications it is worth investing in a computer with an improved resolution and quality graphics. Improved resolution will suit those who deal with various graphic aspects or intend to use a computer to view content. For gamers or video editors, it is worth investing in a computer with a graphics card from the leading brands.

4. The weight of the computer and the type of battery

If the computer is expected to be used with you everywhere, emphasize a type of computer that is characterized by a relatively low weight. However, remember that low weight often comes with a smaller screen. These are two elements where one may come at the expense of the other. If you will use the computer mainly at home, a large screen will give good results. For home use less than a year if you choose a model with a slightly larger weight. By the way, in modern and high-quality models, you can find some relatively light laptops, even with very impressive screens. Also, if you use a computer without the possibility of direct charging, it is better to choose a model with an excellent battery and a long life. Also, a computer with a large keyboard will be convenient and better for those who frequently type documents and content.

5. Ports, applications and operating systems

There are applications that work great on one operating system and less so on another. Therefore, if you are expected to use special applications, consider the operating system when choosing a computer. Also, check what ports the computer has. Find out about Wi-Fi devices, number of ports USB, HDMI and so on, before purchasing your next computer, so that it meets the needs.

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