How to choose the best mattress for the spine?

by time news

2023-09-13 23:30:37

Do you prefer a regular mattress with a soft texture, a semi-orthopedic one or an orthopedic one adapted to your spine? Learn the main distinctions between these mattresses and what to take into account when choosing.

Last update: September 13, 2023

To enjoy good health it is essential to have proper rest. In this sense, pillows, bedding and, above all, mattresses, play a central role.

All of them are designed to lie your body comfortably. However, more specifically, orthopedic variants adjust to the structure of the spine and neck. Keep reading to know, in detail, how to choose the right mattress for your health and rest.

Normal, orthopedic and semi-orthopedic mattresses

A normal mattress is one that is commonly sold in specialized stores. In general, It is softer than orthopedic and does not have extra support for the lumbar area.

It is an object designed in a standardized way, without taking into account the specific support needs for the spine. They come in various sizes, materials and costs.

On the other hand, The orthopedic mattress stands out for its firmness, due to the composition made from high-density foams. For the lumbar area, it includes a polyurethane plate that works as support.

Finally, semi-orthopedic can be defined as a hybrid between both. They are manufactured with spinal support, but are less firm than orthopedic ones.

Orthopedic mattress

Orthopedic mattresses are designed with tight support for the spine.. The term “orthopedics” refers to the medical specialty that is responsible for preventing, correcting and treating deformations in the musculoskeletal system.

With this premise, the orthopedic mattress tries to provide a surface on which the spine maintains a correct posture. Therefore, the firmness characteristic is one of the most important.

They include a filling that provides the hardness necessary to align the spine, in order to avoid back pain, stiffness and contractures. In turn, they use materials that also provide comfort, although their firmness depends on the quality and density of the foam. For example, springs, latex, memory foam fabric or layers filled with air and water.

Foam, the main filling component, It adjusts to the body by varying according to heat and pressure. In this way, it generates a concentration of temperature in specific areas.

Advantages of an orthopedic mattress

These mattresses have other attributes that make them an efficient choice to take care of sleep hygiene:

Silence. Lacking springs, they become a very silent surface. They generate almost no noise when going up and down.
Antiallergics. These mattresses are packaged to protect them from bacteria, fungi and other allergens, such as mites.
Adjustable. Although at first they may seem very hard, after a short time they mold to the spine and become very comfortable.
Durability. The manufacturing materials provide resistance and, in turn, longer life compared to normal mattresses.
Cost. Although all these characteristics are reflected in a higher cost, it is a good investment for health, thanks to its durability, which will surely be greater than that of a conventional mattress.

Semi-orthopedic mattresses

In this case, efficient support for the spine is also provided, but with a lower level of firmness. It is a hybrid between a regular mattress and an orthopedic one., with softer manufacturing materials. For example, with cotton and wool.

Although it is softer and more welcoming, it also has orthopedic characteristics, so it is capable of relieving pain in critical points. Some specimens divide their space into softer sections and other firmer ones.

What to take into account to choose the right mattress?

When the priority is to take care of the health of the lower back and neck, The most recommended options are orthopedic and semi-orthopedic mattresses. Although there are regular alternatives of very good quality, it would be better to invest a little more money in a mattress that is durable and favorable for sleep hygiene.

What to take into account when choosing between the two?

Support quality

The main difference is that orthopedics offer firm and adapted support to the spine, with the ability to relieve pressure at strategic points. For their part, semi-orthopedic ones include softer supports.

Type of material

High-density foam provides great firmness and resistance in orthopedic mattresses. They are materials of excellent quality, which are also present in semi-orthopedics, although combined with other softer ones, such as latex or viscoelastic fabric.


In this regard, it is likely that many people will choose the semi-orthopedic mattress as the appropriate one, due to its greater softness and comfort. However, orthopedics adapt to the spine after a short period. Therefore, in addition to taking care of bone health, they also provide medium-term comfort.


Orthotics offer greater durability, a product of its manufacturing materials, in addition to better resisting deformations due to use. However, semi-orthopedic ones also provide more resistance than regular mattresses.

An orthopedic mattress is a good choice for health

The final choice between the different types of mattresses is subject to budget and personal needs.. If the idea is to prioritize the health of the spine and purchase a durable product, orthopedics are the option. Although they involve a higher cost, it is likely that it will pay for itself because a change will not be required in a short time.

It’s also a good idea to consult with orthopedic professionals before making a purchase. Your opinion will clarify the situation when choosing the right mattress. Especially if we suffer from a spinal problem, such as scoliosis.

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