How to choose the charging point for electric cars

by time news

Autonomy and the existence of public charging points are two of the elements that most concern owners and potential buyers of electric cars. Spain remains at the bottom in the number of chargers, so for the moment charging at home is the most viable and economical alternative.

The design of a charging station for electric vehicles it must be prepared to face the conditions of any environment in which it is installed. If it is located outside, it must guarantee protection against inclement weather, both from rain and snow, as well as dust, sun and cold or hot temperatures.

The structure must protect the internal circuits and guarantee operation in any context. The same is applicable in an interior location, such as a covered parking lot, where humid conditions or loaded environments occur.

“Select a solution made with quality materials, such as aluminum, and with security seals is essential to guarantee its durability. Only in this way will the user be sure of having a charging station with a longer useful life.”, details Henrik Bergman, regional director of Charge Amps in Spain and Portugal. “Having a charging point in the car park at home or at work, where our vehicle spends more hours, provides confidence and encourages buyers to opt for electromobility”, he indicates.

different types of cargo

When talking about recharging the electric vehicle there are some concepts related to the types of chargers, the connectors or the loading times, which can create confusion, but it is much simpler than it seems when you get familiar with its use. For this Ramon Calderón, a Seat expert, explains in detail the ways to recharge the future.

Loading process of the Cupra Formentor

F. P.

“The charging of the battery of electric and hybrid vehicles depends mainly on two factors: the capacity of the car battery and the available charger power, and this influences the charging time ranges”, explains the person in charge of e-Mobility. Institutional Relations at Seat.

battery capacity is the amount of electrical energy that it is capable of storing, while power is the amount of electrical energy that the charger can supply to the vehicle. «The user of an electrified car has at his disposal various charging modes: type 2 (slow charging), type 3 (semi-fast charging) and type 4 (super-fast or ultra-fast charging). Depending on the capacity of our car battery and the power of the charger and the connector cable, it will take us more or less time to charge it, “explains Calderón.

If we have a plug-in hybrid car or a small electric vehicle at home, we can leave the car charging overnight in the garage with a charge type 2 or slow charge. With this option, the vehicle is connected to the electrical network by means of an adapter that guarantees the safety of the recharge and that is equipped with a domestic plug, of the ones we have at home (Schuko type). In this mode, (for a power of 3.6 kW) a hybrid takes on average between 3 and 4 hours to charge from 0 to 100% of the battery, and an electric one, about 16 hours on average, depending on the power and the cable and battery capacity.

However, in the event that we have a 100% electric vehicle or a plug-in hybrid, with a considerably high autonomy, the most convenient option is the type 3 charging mode, also known as semi-rapid. This charging mode requires a wall charging device or point, colloquially known as Wallboxwhich incorporates several protection systems necessary for the safety of the electrical installation and the vehicle.

“The use of mode 3, due to its safety, reliability and speed, is prevailing over mode 2 as charging powers and the capacity of electric vehicle batteries increase,” says Calderón. This mode allows us to work with higher powers at home, and in turn optimize charging time. A hybrid like the CUPRA Formentor could be charged in less than 3 hours and 100% electric in less than 10 hours on average.

Charging station type

Establishing the type of use that will be given to the charging station, the drivers that will use it, the space in which it will be located or the climate that it will have to face is key when choosing a device. Likewise, it is necessary to take into account safety factors that protect the electrical installation or prevent misuse of the charger. From Charge Amps they share some of the factors to assess before installing a charging point at home or at work.

Having the option of connecting the charging station to the internet is a guarantee for the future, since it adapts the device to the new IoT and smarthome trends. The fact of being able to remotely access and control the charger at all times guarantees that the vehicle will always be available, since charges can be programmed or activated in the event of an unforeseen event.

In addition, charger status is monitored detecting possible problems, and unwanted use by third parties is avoided, since the charging station will only be activated when the order is given, an action that can be carried out locally or remotely from anywhere.

Having a charging point prepared to operate using surplus solar energy provides a present and future advantage, in addition to guaranteeing a higher return on investment. «It is normal for drivers to focus their most immediate investment on the installation of a charging station, but choosing a model prepared to use the solar surplus is a winning bet. Being able to charge the car with clean energy allows us to have an even bigger impact on the planet,” says Henrik Bergman from Charge Amps.

Charge away from home

Once away from home, the charging points for public use that we will usually find will also be mode 3 or semi-fast, since it is mandatory that they be at least of this charging level. In mode 3, the connection of the electric or hybrid vehicle to the alternating current network is carried out using Mennekes connectors. Bearing in mind that the power of these public points is higher (around 11 kW), on average the charging time for a plug-in hybrid will be between 30 minutes and 1 hour, while for a 100% electric charge it from 0 to 100% could take us between 4 and 6 hours.

mode 4 or super fast, indicated only for 100% electric vehicles with high autonomy, such as the CUPRA Born, allows us to recharge at least 70% of the battery in just over 30 minutes (for a charger power of 100 kW), just enough time to take something or make the weekly purchase, and 100%, approximately one hour. Charging in mode 4 is carried out in direct current, unlike the previous modes, which are carried out in alternating current, which allows for faster charging since the vehicle does not have to make conversions.

The most widely used standard connector for this type of recharging is the CCS. “These are chargers that, due to their high price and cost of installation, have not been designed nor are they recommended for domestic use and, together with mode 3, are the ones that the user will find in shopping centers, public roads or workplaces”, explains Ramon Calderón. Inside mode 4 chargers there are also ultra-fast charging ones, specially designed for outdoor public use stations or charging stations, where we can recharge the vehicle during long journeys or situations in which we have very little time. With this mode, which can exceed 250 kW of power, an average 100% electric car would charge in less than 30 minutes.

It is important to note that the charger and the vehicle communicate continuously during charging so as not to exceed the admissible power of the battery. That is to say, a vehicle that admits a maximum of 125 kW of power even if it is charged in a 250 kW charger will never exceed the power of 125 kW. The same is true in reverse; Although the vehicle can be charged at 250 kW, if the charger is of lower power it will never exceed it.

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