How to clean copper and restore its natural shine

by time news

2023-12-11 17:00:26

Utensils made of this metal are durable and effective at maintaining heat, but they rust over time. Discover how to restore its shine with lemon juice, baking soda and white vinegar.

Last update: December 11, 2023

Copper pots, pans, plates and containers continue to occupy an important place in the kitchen. Not only as an inherited antique, but as the preference of many people who choose this metal for its advantages in cooking. But, Beyond their durability and effectiveness in maintaining heat, they can generate stains that are difficult to remove..

Keep reading because we will show you how to clean copper with homemade methods, which will return it to its original shine. Prepare the baking soda, lemon and vinegar and leave your utensils like newin addition to finding out how to maintain them so that they do not rust again.

What is copper and why is it used in kitchen utensils?

Copper is one of the most used metals in human history. Reddish and shiny in color, it has great resistance to heat and the ability to conduct electricity, reasons why it is used for various purposes. One of them is the production of kitchen batteries and cooking elements.

Pans, pots and even decorations made of this material were very common in ancient homes. Although they have now been relegated by other cheaper metals, such as stainless steel, there are still people who choose or inherit them.

Keeping this type of utensils in good condition has multiple advantages when cooking. In particular, it is efficient in ensuring even cooking, as it distributes heat evenly. In addition, it prevents food from sticking. To know how to clean your copper objects, learn the following methods and leave them like new.

How to clean copper with homemade methods

When copper is extracted from the earth, it usually has a greenish hue, which it returns to if it is not maintained. Over time, In pots and containers made of this material, black or green layers usually form in different parts. But don’t worry, it is possible to recover them with the following techniques.

We recommend that, before starting, you check if the object has a layer of varnish, which is common to reinforce protection. To find out, prepare a mixture with half a tablespoon of baking soda and two tablespoons of vinegar; then rub it over a section of the surface with a cloth. If it is easy to clean, it has no varnish. If the dirt persists, it is varnished and will need to combine cleaning methods.

To make the following mixtures, use gloves and protective measures to avoid contact with the skin.

1. Baking soda

As with many household tasks, baking soda is effective in cleaning copper. If you do not have varnish, it is probably enough to mix a tablespoon in a liter of water and pass the mixture over the surface. Be sure to choose the right type of cloth to scrub your pots with and make sure it is clean before using it.

For pots, try submerging them in the mixture and boiling them for about 20 minutes. You will need a container that can be exposed to heat and is large enough to hold the object. After that time, remove the pot, wash it with water and dry it well.

2. Baking soda and lemon juice

This method is indicated for elements without a varnish layer. It consists of combining baking soda with lemon juice, mixing until you obtain a semi-thick paste. You can use a sponge to rub the paste onto the object.

3. White vinegar and baking soda

Another way to combine baking soda is to add two tablespoons of white vinegar as a degreaser. This is an effective method for pots and pans. Simply place the mixture on the surface of the utensil and rub with cotton or cellulose sponge.. Make sure you remove all traces of baking soda before washing with water and drying.

4. Lemon juice

An essential natural element to clean copper is lemon. Only with its pulp, it is possible to restore the shine. Rub it over the surface of the object with a cloth or cellulose sponge and then wash well with water and dish detergent..

Alternatively, you can add coarse salt to the lemon and clean the container in the same way. This technique is indicated when blackish layers form in the pot or pan.

5. Combine salt, vinegar and lemon

If the ingredients separately were not enough, you can make the following mixture to recover your copper battery. Combine in a container:

coarse salt lemon juice 2 tablespoons hot white vinegar

Apply them with a cloth or cotton to the object and rinse with water. This is the most effective method for deep-seated grime that did not come out in other ways. If you don’t have lemon, try just vinegar and coarse salt.

6. Flour, salt and vinegar

Another alternative is to prepare the mixture with flour instead of lemon.

Place half a cup of white vinegar and coarse salt in a container. Add tablespoons of flour until it becomes a pasty consistency. You can use common flour, three or four zeros. When the mixture resembles toothpaste, take a sponge and rub it on the object. Let it act for about five minutes. Remove the mixture by rinsing with water and dry the element with a microfiber or cotton cloth. It is important that it does not release lint. If any dirt remains, repeat the process.

This is an ideal technique when its outer layer is very damaged. It is also effective in aluminum or bronze pots, that is, an alloy of copper with tin..

7. Tomato sauce

Another homemade technique to clean greenish copper is to use ketchup or tomato sauce. This method is more efficient with the patina that forms on pots left unused for a long time.a product of humidity and oxidation.

Try to reinforce your protection, since green dirt is toxic. Also, if these are cooking pots or pans, be sure to remove all the patina. To do this, place the tomato sauce on a cellulose sponge, rub the surface and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, rinse the piece.

How to shine copper objects?

Once recovered from their black and green stains, it is possible to restore the almost original shine of this metal with the following methods:

Bee wax. Rub the surface with beeswax on a cotton cloth.
Beer. Immerse the object in blonde beer for 10 minutes, remove and dry.
Shaving foam. Place shaving cream on the piece and polish with a brush.
Newspaper. Rub the surface with dented newspaper. Press a little, always being careful not to damage the utensil.
Commercial products. There are specific elements to restore shine to copper. If you purchase one, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for applying.

Rings, earrings, bracelets, coins and small decorations are also common in this metal. In such cases, cleaning is easier, since They can be immersed in containers with the mixture already described of lemon and salt. Let them soak for five minutes until removing and washing. Then, proceed with some polishing and shine tricks.

Maintain your copper pots and pans

Don’t let your copper utensils accumulate grime and rust again by keeping them clean and dry. Moisture is one of their biggest enemies, so wiping them with a lint-free cloth when drying is essential.

For regular washes, you can apply ordinary dish detergent and avoid metal sponges so as not to damage the outer layer with scratches. Recover your old copper items with these tricks and cook evenly again!

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