How to clean mosquitoes and bird droppings from the car

by time news

No need for a long-distance journey. Just a hundred kilometers to the beach or the town is enough for an army of insects to get stuck on the windshield and on the body of our car. Removing them is not an easy task, since if we use a scourer or some type of scraper we run the risk of causing damage to both the glass and the paint.

But we must also be very careful with the location where we park our vehicle. Because in spring, pollen, the resin of some trees and bird droppings can become the worst enemies of the car body. And the best way to remove pollen from cars is a manual wash and a subsequent layer of nanotechnological product helps to repel these particles. Keep in mind that if there is any grain of sand, no matter how small, it should be carefully removed so as not to scratch any part of the vehicle.

Those who are allergic to pollen are entering their high season and it is also a necessity to eliminate the pollen that accumulates in cars and can enter the interior of the vehicle. Trees are a double hazard for cars. On the one hand, the resins and their fruits, which are sticky and have stains that are very difficult to remove. Sometimes it is professionals who remove this type of debris that, if not removed, can damage the body of the car over time. Eliminating these stains completely and applying a product that helps protect this area is essential.

The first thing that can be done is to try to remove the resin by applying hot water under pressure with a ‘gun’ from the cleaning area of ​​the a service area or gas station. If the remains of resin have already dried, a trick to soften them and thus remove them more easily is to moisten them with olive oil -let it act for 3 to 5 minutes- before rubbing them with a microfiber cloth, which will not scratch the paint .

If this technique fails, the next step is to resort to a specific cleaner which can be purchased in specialized stores and car parts, They usually have a price of around 6 euros.

Alvato’s specialists recall that in the spring it is more common for the absence of rain not to remove bird droppings from the bodies and that leaving them on it for a long time can cause corrosive effects. Cleaning is recommended as soon as possible in order to avoid this. These droppings contain acids that damage the external varnish of your car’s paint and, once it has passed through, the color tone itself. If the car is waxed, it will be more protected, but if the excrement is not removed quickly, it will end up affecting the paint. If we act soon, it is best to apply plenty of water to the area, place a damp cloth over the excrement for about 10 minutes so that it softens and is absorbed by the cloth, and then remove it with a gentle movement. This prevents debris from scratching the paint.

If the dropping mark has been on the body of your vehicle for more than half an hour, in addition to moistening the stain to soften it, rub with a soft sponge and add vehicle shampoo. If several hours have already passed, a deeper cleaning with a lubricating product may be necessary. Apply a polish with a soft cloth and finish by rubbing the vehicle with wax. The stain may still be noticeable, but the polish and wax will hide the defect.

One way to prevent paint damage is to prevent the damage from occurring. For example, it must be taken into account that birds defecate moments before starting the flight, so it is recommended to avoid parking the vehicle under structures such as light poles and too close to buildings and cornices where they may have their nests. Another area to avoid is just under the trees, where in addition to spending the night, many birds perch looking for the coolest areas in the middle of the day.

Finally, insects also make their appearance in good weather. It is common that from these days we see many remains of them on the windows or on the front of the vehicle. This kind of remains They are not removed in a car wash and it requires a manual wash or a professional wash to remove all of them and for the nanotechnology-based product dedicated to prevention to take effect later.

To eliminate insects from the outside of our car without causing damage and as easily as possible, it is important to follow the following instructions:

For the windshield, the glass cleaner foam is very effective in eliminating insects. The best thing so that we do not end up with almost no visibility on the windshield is that, before leaving on a trip, we fill the windshield washer tank and use it as soon as we have some remains of insects on the glass. You don’t have to wait until you see nothing, wipe frequently so they don’t dry out and make it impossible to remove them with just the wiper blades.

To prevent bugs from getting too ingrown and to make cleaning the windshield easier, it may be a good idea to pre-treat the windshield with a rain repellent. The film that these products form on the glass also prevents insects from adhering too much and makes it easier to clean later.

The front of the car, especially the edge of the front edge of the hood, is the part that suffers the most from insect impacts. The best thing to protect it is to use sealants and waxes that do, as in the case of the windshield, so that the remains do not embed too much. The most important thing is not to rub the remains of insects with a sponge in any case. If we do, we will most likely not remove the stains and the hard parts of his skeleton will scratch the paint. The best way to eliminate insects from the front of the car, rear-view mirrors, and others, is to follow these steps:

-Moisten the area to be cleaned with lukewarm water and leave it to soften for a while.

-In a pressure washer, use a jet of hot soapy water to remove any solid residue (be careful with the license plate numbers, the reflective white adhesive is easy to tear off with the water jet).

-Once there are no remains of their skeletons we can remove the stains by rubbing with a sponge or a soft brush.

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