How to declare rent payment in Income Tax?

by time news

2024-01-05 18:00:00
Woman using laptop while sitting at home.

The task of declaring Income Tax is often fraught with uncertainty, especially when it comes to declaring rent. Lack of adequate understanding of the topic can lead to negative consequences, such as fines and fines for taxpayers.

For those who live in rented properties, it is imperative to include these amounts in the Income Tax declaration. Following some essential steps is crucial to avoid problems with the IRS:

Access the Federal Revenue website and open the “Payments Made” declaration form. Enter the code “70 – Property Rentals” to identify the nature of the payment. Declare the rental amounts paid over the previous year, excluding IPTU and condominium fee. Providing the landlord’s information, including name and CPF or CNPJ, is vital to avoid future complications. Remember that, even when dividing the rent, the person responsible for the contract must declare the amount in Income Tax, unless that there is more than one person mentioned in the contract. If there are multiple tenants, each one must follow the same procedure, declaring the amounts paid in their respective Income Tax returns.

Guidelines when receiving rent

For owners of properties or rented land, income tax declaration is mandatory, considering the minimum value of R$1,903.99 in 2023. Some valuable tips include:

If the amount exceeds the minimum, issue the Carnê-Leão monthly, using the code “0190” on the Federal Revenue website. On the declaration form, look for “Taxable Income Received from PF/Abroad” and enter the tenant’s CPF, even if a real estate agency mediates the contract. For multiple rented properties, repeat the process separately for each one. Declare the net value, excluding IPTU, condominium fees and other expenses. Administration fees must be informed in the “Payments Made” form to avoid errors. Owners who use the rental amount to pay for another property must declare the information separately, following the same procedure.

Journalist and writer with experience in different niches. Currently in Financial Magazine.

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