how to diagnose and what are the treatments-

by time news

more or less everyone has suffered from neck pain, but does this disorder really exist? They talked about it at the Time of Health Paolo Grossi (director of Anesthesia, resuscitation, pain therapy at Gaetano Pini – Cto of Milan) e Bernard Misaggi (director of Orthopedics and Spinal Traumatology, Gaetano Pini – Cto of Milan).

Incorrect postures

Cervicalgia (this is the exact term) exists and affects the cervical spine – explained Misaggi -. a very common problem, like everything related to the back. Just think that 80% of the population has at least one episode related to disorders affecting the spine during their life: they represent the first cause of absence from work, the second of disability. On the other hand, the spinal column has very important functions: to support and protect the spinal cord in case of trauma. And then it allows the movements of the neck and head. If these functions are altered due to mechanical stress, neck pain may appear, which is mainly caused by incorrect postures at work, but in the long run the overload can accelerate a possible arthrosis. Always remember that the neck must be in line with the back and it is important to work in an appropriate context, even at home: desk and computer at the right height, chair that makes a correct position possible. In some cases, neck pain can become an occupational disease and this does not only concern those who carry out sedentary jobs, but also for example those who travel very often by car (drivers, Formula 1 drivers). Sleep is also important: sleeping on your stomach with your head on one side is a risk factor for the appearance of neck pain. And then there is the stress, which causes muscle tension, and often one of the causes of neck pain. The pain may be concentrated in the nape of the neck, or it may also spread to the head and forehead. In the case of cervicobrachialgia, the pain also affects one arm or both arms. It must be said that 80% of cases of neck pain are not serious, but if there is a situation of discomfort, it is important to see a doctor.

The therapies

How is neck pain treated? It starts with an analgesic therapy, if it is not enough it may be necessary to do tests, such as radiography and then magnetic resonance, to understand the cause of the problem – underlined Misaggi -. The fundamental resonance in the presence of symptoms in the arms, because there may be a herniated disc in the cervical area. It is important for the patient to talk to the doctor and describe the problem – added Grossi -: then if everything passes with paracetamol, the question can be considered resolved. There are also cases where pain in the back of the neck can arise from cardiac ischemia. At the level of therapy, it is important do not use muscle relaxants in the first instance because they could “hide” something that is useful for the doctor to see. Another very common mistake is to start physiotherapy when the patient is still in pain. Also in the treatment of neck pain it is necessary to follow the Pdta (diagnostic therapeutic assistance path), which indicates which are the steps to follow: clinical investigation to frame the problem; accurate beneficial effects (with drugs, physiotherapy) without (or with the minimum of) side effects; surgery, when needed. By skipping a step, you risk nullifying the effectiveness of the entire process.

Strengthen the muscles

Most cases of neck pain (and also low back pain) resolve with correct postural gymnastics – then clarified Misaggi -. very important strengthening of the musculature, because it protects the spine and causes symptoms to subside. Once the physiotherapy cycle is over, it is crucial to continue exercising at home. What to do if a herniated disc is present? In 95% of cases the hernia resolves spontaneously, with pain therapy and physiotherapy, surgery is used only if the pain cannot be eliminated in any other way or if the patient has severe neurological problems and lack of strength in the arms. explained the expert. To reduce inflammation due to hernia, the cortisone. Instead of taking it by mouth you can do some local infiltrations – said Grossi -. The oral steroid reaches all tissues of the body, it is given for convenience, but it may not work or it may work only after prolonged administration, which unfortunately has important side effects. Better to allocate it only where really necessary, using a particular syringe. This method also allows for the introduction of other solutions capable of modulating the perception of pain. Then it exists radio frequencywhich acts close to the nerve and modulates the patient’s perceptual situation, making the pain more tolerable.

November 14, 2022 (change November 14, 2022 | 4:55 pm)

© Time.News

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