How to do it.. How to connect an Xbox One controller to a Mac in steps

by time news

Monday, April 18, 2022 07:11 am

It’s not always easy to play video games on a device MacNot all games have support, and devices tend Mac to have less graphic power, but you can use almost all of your consoles on a device Macincluding the controller Xboxbut you will need a wired connection via a cable micro-USB.

According to the website,business insiderYou will also need to install the 360 ​​. driverControllerOnce you do that, you can use the controller Xbox One your, or your remote control Xbox 360.

How to connect an Xbox controller to a Mac

1. Go to GitHub and download the latest 360 . driverController for device Mac On your download page, scroll down and expand Assets and tap .dmg.

2. Install the 360 ​​. driverController By opening a file.dmg downloaded, then follow the installation steps, which consists of clicking Continue and OK when prompted, you will need to restart your computer afterwards.

3. Once your computer restarts, tap Logo Apple at the top left of the screen and select System Preferences.

4. Click on the controller icon Xbox 360.

5. Now connect the controller Xbox device Mac via cable microUSB to me USBor via cable microUSB to me USB-Cdepending on how recent the device is Mac.

6. A picture of the controller will appear Xbox 360 On the screen, along with a number of customization options, the dropdown menu at the top of the page should read, Wired Controller Xbox One (wired).

You can now configure the gamepad buttons as you see fit, then start playing your favorite games on your device Mac using the controller Xbox your own.

Source: Technology: How to do it.. How to connect an Xbox One controller to a Mac in steps

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