How to eliminate anthills in your garden: 3 infallible remedies | Health180

by time news

eliminate ants It is the eternal war of those who have a garden. Although these insects are an indispensable part of the balance of nature, in the home they become a plague. That’s why we give you three infallible remedies.

Often the gardeners and plant lovers face pests capable of destroying everything cultivated; For example, the ants. Regardless of the species that is black, red or with wings. These insects become harmful when their colonies or anthills are excessively large, and there is the presence of fungi or other threats such as aphids. How to remove them?

As you read it ants are not all bad. According to National Wildlife Federation, They are most closely related to bees and wasps. They are extremely important members of ecosystems, helping to aerate the soil just like earthworms.

He problem with ants arises when they colonize homes, mix with other animals or in the In the case of fire ants, they have stingers that can cause harm to people.

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The first step: find the anthill or nest

Where have you seen one? lonely ant, you just have to place a bait; example, a sugar cube and some food. This will cause the rest of the population to leave, making a path between the nest and the food, with which you will be able to locate the perfection the anthill.

Home remedies to control ants

1- How to eliminate ants with vinegar

Just dissolve half a cup of white vinegar in a cup of water. Soak a rag in the solution and clean the surfaces where the ants come in This will interrupt their activity because you erase the trail that they are following, describe the University of Minnesota Extension.

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2- Water to eliminate an infestation of ants

Around the anthill or your plants, make pits or place containers that allow you to create a sticky barrier. To do this, fill it with soapy water or with fragments of lemon or orange peel. This will prevent them from reaching their goal and will make them give up.

3- Kill the ants with rice

In your blender place a cup of white or brown rice and grinds until it is as pulverized as possible. Now place everything in a plastic bag, but first place a little of it near the nest and distribute it to where the bag is, which will have to have a hole.

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The purpose is to attract the ants and that little by little introduce the fragments of rice to the anthill. Over time it will dry out and with it the eggs, this is because this seed absorbs moisture.

According to University of Minnesota Extension, indicates that another effective way to eliminate ants and anthills, is to place an insecticide inside the nest in order to kill queen ant. For this, it is recommended to introduce granules and powders, sample: bifenthrin, cypermethrin, deltamethrin and gamma cyhalothrin.

most of ants cause real damage, but there are species such as woodpeckers that can weaken structures and gardens. Or others like the pharaoh ant that transmits the Salmonella.

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How to eliminate excess ants and anthills?

The elimination of an excess of ants and anthills it can be a complicated process and will depend on the degree of infestation. Here are some tips:

1-Clean your house well. It is the best way to prevent ant infestations. Be sure to keep the house clean and free of spilled food and drinks.

2-Use ant bait. They are an effective way to control ant populations. The baits contain a substance that attracts ants and brings them back to the nest, where the bait can kill the ants. queen ants and other ants. Baits can be found at garden and hardware stores.

3-Apply insecticides. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and be careful when applying the insecticide, especially if there are children or pets in the house.

You already know how to eliminate anthills and ants in your garden. However, by keeping them under control, away from your home and garden, and respecting them. We can all live in total harmony!

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