How to find ‘real apple cider vinegar’, which is good for digestion and blood sugar control[정세연의 음식처방]

by times news cr

2024-04-15 07:45:26

There is a saying, ‘Eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away.’ Apple cider vinegar made from these apples has long been used as a household elixir in the West. However, there are real and fake apple cider vinegar sold on the market. Vinegar made by first fermenting apples into alcohol and then secondarily fermenting them with acetic acid is a real vinegar that is beneficial to your health. Because this process takes a lot of time and effort, brewed vinegar was created by skipping the primary fermentation and quickly fermenting it with alcohol and adding only the apple scent and flavor, and synthetic vinegar made with glacial acetic acid by omitting fermentation altogether. All of the benefits of vinegar that benefit the body are naturally fermented vinegars. When buying apple cider vinegar, you should buy one that says 100% apple and purified water on the product ingredient list.

Jeong Se-yeon, director of ‘Let’s Eat and Drink Oriental Medicine Clinic’

Jeong Se-yeon, director of ‘Let’s Eat and Drink Oriental Medicine Clinic’

There are four grades of apple cider vinegar: R, O, U, and M. R (raw) means that the beneficial bacteria are still alive as they are not sterilized, O (organic) is literally organic, U (unfiltered) means that the beneficial microorganisms and by-products remain as they are not filtered, and finally, M (with mother) means that the beneficial bacteria are still alive. This means that hairs such as pectin and acetic acid bacteria remain.

Properly made apple cider vinegar has various health benefits. First, it promotes digestion. Apples themselves are rich in organic acids, but when fermented with vinegar, they become more acidic and act as stomach acid. Second, it helps manage blood sugar. Apple cider vinegar promotes insulin secretion by increasing the secretion of GLP-1 hormone in the intestines and increases insulin sensitivity by increasing AMPK enzyme. This ultimately helps regulate blood sugar. Third, it is good for recovering from fatigue. After drinking too much, mix a spoonful of apple cider vinegar and honey in warm water and drink it. Vinegar breaks down lactic acid and relieves stress and fatigue. In Oriental medicine, vinegar is also called goju (苦酒) and is a medicine that detoxifies and treats the liver. Fourth, it helps reduce body fat. When comparing the group that consumed apple cider vinegar for 12 weeks in Japan with the group that did not, it was found that body weight, visceral fat area, waist circumference, and neutral fat levels were all significantly reduced in the group that consumed apple cider vinegar. Rather than directly eliminating body fat, the vinegar itself slowly raised blood sugar levels, preventing fat accumulation and providing a feeling of fullness.

It is good to add apple cider vinegar when making salad sauce or seasoning it sourly. If you want to take it more actively, mix 15mL of vinegar in 500mL of water and drink it. To control blood sugar, drink it before a meal, and if you have indigestion or heartburn, drink it during or within 30 minutes after a meal. If you want to eat the chomo that has sunk to the bottom, you must shake it well before eating.

However, these people should be careful when consuming apple cider vinegar. People who have a peptic ulcer, have a wet constitution, frequently pass loose stools, have dry leg muscles, and are prone to cramps. Because vinegar has a strong astringent effect, it is not good to eat it in the early stages of a cold. Excessive consumption of vinegar can damage the gastrointestinal mucosa and teeth. After consuming vinegar, it is a good idea to rinse your mouth with bottled water.

Dr. Jeong Se-yeon of Oriental Medicine runs ‘Let’s Eat Jeong Se-yeon Oriental Medicine Clinic’, which treats patients with food, and introduces the efficacy of various foods through the YouTube ‘Jeong Lare Channel’. As of March, the number of channel subscribers was approximately 976,000.

※Director Jeong Se-yeon says, ‘This is what happens if you drink apple cider vinegar every day for just one month. Aesabi, Apple Vinegar Effectiveness and Side Effects’ (

Jeong Se-yeon, director of ‘Let’s Eat and Drink Oriental Medicine Clinic’

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2024-04-15 07:45:26

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